Teller Report

Volodin called traitors waiting for a special operation in "warm countries"

7/29/2022, 8:25:18 PM

Chairman of the State Duma of Russia Vyacheslav Volodin called traitors those who are waiting in "warm countries" for time while a special operation is taking place in Ukraine.

He said this during the Territory of Meanings forum.

“Those who wanted to wait out this time, leave for warm countries and look at it all from there, must understand: he is a traitor,” RIA Novosti quotes him.

Also, the speaker of the lower house of the Russian parliament called the issue of Crimea and the recognition of the LPR and DPR the consensus of all political forces in Russia. 

Earlier, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken during a telephone conversation that the goals of the special operation in Ukraine would be fully achieved.