Teller Report

The UK reported the detention of the management of the hostel in Moscow, in which there was a fire

7/29/2022, 10:25:05 PM

Yulia Ivanova, senior assistant to the head of the Moscow headquarters of the Investigative Committee of Russia, announced the detention of the management of a hostel in the south of Moscow, in which eight people died in a fire.

"In accordance with Art.

91 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of Russia, the 55-year-old founder of the organization and the 24-year-old general director were detained, the necessary investigative actions are being carried out with them, ”RIA Novosti quoted her as saying.

She added that their homes are currently being searched.

Ivanova also said that in the near future the detainees would be charged.

The investigation, according to her, intends to petition the Presnensky Court for the election of a measure of restraint associated with deprivation of liberty.

Earlier it became known that a fire broke out in a Moscow hostel, resulting in the death of eight people.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations noted that the main cause of death was that there were bars on the windows.

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