Teller Report

The Russian Post reported a partial leak of user data

7/29/2022, 7:37:11 PM

The Russian Post reported a partial leak of user data from the contractor of the organization, noting that the banking data of customers were not affected.

This is stated in the message of the Russian Post in the Telegram channel.

“One of our contractor’s accounts was compromised as a result of a hacker attack, a piece of data actually fell into the hands of hackers,” Russian Post said.

It is noted that hackers do not have access to other data.

“The leak did not contain banking data, nothing threatens the security and reputation of customers,” the message says.

Also, the Russian Post reported that the security service blocked access through a compromised account, rechecking the security level for all possible access points.

Earlier, Roskomnadzor drew up an administrative protocol against Rostelecom for leaking personal data.