Teller Report

About the secret of liking and sharing... Why don't we feel the time on Facebook?

7/29/2022, 8:19:03 PM

Studies reveal a strong relationship between Facebook technologies and the reward center in the brain that is stimulated by things like food, money, social acceptance, and various other pleasures.

Many studies have attempted to discover exactly what happens in our brains and minds when we click the share or like button on Facebook, revealing a strong relationship between Facebook technologies and the reward center in the brain that is stimulated by things like food, money, social acceptance, and pleasure. various other.

Therefore, positive comments on Facebook are like triggers that light up this part of the brain, and the more we use Facebook, the more reward we feel we receive.

Facebook is a positive reward

The results of studies showed that positive reactions from friends on Facebook increase people’s desire for interaction and intensity of use, because we are human beings who care about the impressions we leave on others, and social media, especially Facebook, is one of the most important current ways to enhance a good impression about us, even if browsing Facebook Sometimes it triggers feelings of immersion in a project or learning a new skill.

So, what makes or dislikes a particular status, photo, or page?

Although it is a quick and easy gesture or just a simple tap, its effect can be seen if we stop using it, as admiration can be counted as a silent gesture of support in a noisy room, and psychologists say it is like agreeing to something that some people sometimes feel guilty for not liking situations or Certain pictures of their friends, as if stopping liking translates as a rejection or blocking of emotions, as well as the "like" gesture that sometimes sings about comments, especially after it includes more than one choice, so that each person needs to define his feelings more accurately before choosing the appropriate gesture.

To confirm something about ourselves

There is something we sometimes don't realize with our conscious mind;

Is that when we choose what we like, we affirm something about ourselves, we say through public admiration that we support this cause, this behavior, or this policy, and our intentional cessation of admiration is also a veiled declaration to reject what we do not want to support, whether they are people or causes Or anything else, because admiration has become more than just a positive reaction to a post or situation, so if you recognize a situation and agree to it, you show it and say "This is me", and from here you appear ads that fit your personality.

When the "Like" button first appeared in 2009, it allowed users to endorse certain pieces of content for the first time, and this helped improve news and stories that really matter to everyone, such as how close you are to someone, what kind of activities you do, or what content you like. In general, over time, the content became more suitable for each person as a result of Facebook's algorithms that analyze likes and show their equivalent.

positive psychological feedback

If we like a post, status or photo of someone in the friends list, we also ask them to like implicitly, everyone likes likes and looks for recognition from others, and the more likes, the more confidence in us is strengthened, and it is no longer hypothetical, but has a great realistic impact on our feelings We are the users and our view of ourselves, and when you don't get the expected likes you feel neglected and neglected, which is the biggest hell of Facebook, because it's a social networking site, and it's like being alone in a large group of friends.

Admiration replaces deeper levels of interaction

Admiration may have many positives, but at the same time it has some negatives, and among these negatives are the erosion of the deeper levels of interaction, from dialogue, conversation, visual and verbal communication, and turning them into a superficial level of non-binding and risk-free communication, especially with the increase in the number of friends in the list of friends. In a way that makes it difficult to make time for all these relationships and friendships.

Alternative virtual communication and a sense of belonging

There is a great relationship between the type of personality and the way it communicates on Facebook. The results of studies have shown that users who have extroverted personalities used Facebook as a tool for social networking and not as a substitute for real social activities;

Compared to those introverted people who switched to communication via Facebook by a large percentage and abandoned real activities, as they transferred their frustrating attitudes from the real world to the Internet, and yet they considered it an ideal means of communication because it frees them from realistic social obligations that constitute a great burden on introverted personalities and at the time Himself makes them feel like they belong to a whole, non-binding world.

Narcissism and self-promotion

The results of studies showed a correlation between narcissism and the use of certain Facebook features such as photos or selfies that allow self-promotion and increase followers, and also indicated that people with high levels of narcissism were more posting of their personal photos improved by different filters to get the most amount of attention. Likes on appearance;

It generates a sense of self-esteem and superiority over others.