Teller Report

The man used alcohol to drive away the nucleic acid protection car 500 meters and had an accident - Teller Report Teller Report

7/27/2022, 1:06:21 PM

The reporter learned from Shanghai Baoshan police on July 26 that recently, a man suddenly got up after drinking and drove away the security vehicle parked at the nucleic acid testing point. Collide.   The police said that after testing, Liu's body alcohol content was as high as 209mg/100ml, far exceeding the drunk driving standard. After the police brought him back to the police station, he im

  The reporter learned from Shanghai Baoshan police on July 26 that recently, a man suddenly got up after drinking and drove away the security vehicle parked at the nucleic acid testing point. Collide.

  The police said that after testing, Liu's body alcohol content was as high as 209mg/100ml, far exceeding the drunk driving standard.

After the police brought him back to the police station, he immediately retrieved the public video of the surrounding roads. Liu, who gradually became sober, completely cut off what happened at that time, but in the face of facts and evidence, he had to admit his absurd illegal and criminal behavior.

At present, Liu has been taken criminal compulsory measures by Shanghai Baoshan police on suspicion of dangerous driving.

(Reporter Li Shuzheng produced Wu Rui’s video from Baoshan Branch of Shanghai Public Security Bureau)

Responsible editor: [Liu Xingchen]