Teller Report

Mr. Pokora attacks "well-meaning" journalists

7/27/2022, 2:25:01 PM

The artist is sorry that we do not always recognize his talent... The juror of The Voice looks back on his career and tackles the Parisian press who despise his work. In an interview with Figaro , Mr. Pokora, Matthieu Tota of his real name, who made his debut with the boy-band Linkup, is sorry that we do not always recognize his talent. “90% of my audience lives in the provinces” “In 2003 when I won the Popstars tele-hook on M6, I could have been just a market

The juror of

The Voice looks

back on his career and tackles the Parisian press who despise his work.

In an interview with


, Mr. Pokora, Matthieu Tota of his real name, who made his debut with the boy-band Linkup, is sorry that we do not always recognize his talent.

“90% of my audience lives in the provinces”

“In 2003 when I won the Popstars

tele-hook on M6, I could have been just a marketing product.

I had no credibility.

It's true.

But today ?

Nobody does what I do on stage and right-thinking critics don't recognize that talent.


And to resume: “I know perfectly well that 90% of my audience lives in the provinces.

He is proud of it.

His latest album of Claude François covers,

My Way

, sold 500,000 copies and his My Way tour was a hit.

Only the recognition of his audience is important to him.

  • M Pokora

  • Album

  • Interview

  • Le Figaro