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International press review - Headlines: nightlife resumes in kyiv, until curfew time

7/27/2022, 1:06:34 PM

International press review Headline: Nightlife resumes in kyiv, until curfew time Audio 05:02 A woman walks past an anti-war poster in kyiv, Ukraine, June 10, 2022. © AP / Natacha Pisarenko By: Anne Corpet Follow 5 mins Advertising Nightlife resumes in Kiev notes the New York Times . The daily tells how the youth of the Ukrainian capital has rediscovered a taste for dancing, for drinking dr

International press review

Headline: Nightlife resumes in kyiv, until curfew time

Audio 05:02

A woman walks past an anti-war poster in kyiv, Ukraine, June 10, 2022. © AP / Natacha Pisarenko

By: Anne Corpet Follow

5 mins


Nightlife resumes in Kiev

notes the

New York Times


The daily tells how the youth of the Ukrainian capital has rediscovered a taste for dancing, for drinking drinks by the river, for meeting friends.


The big question for me was

: is it possible to work during the war


Is it normal to serve a cocktail


 “, says a bartender in the columns of the newspaper before adding:” 

But the answer, I found it in the eyes of the customers.

These evenings are psychotherapy for them


In kyiv, the nightlife has resumed but the war still occupies the minds

The aspiration to reconnect in the midst of a seismic and terrifying event has notably inspired cuddly evenings

 ", relates Jeffrey Gettleman, the special correspondent of The

New York Times

, who describes: " 

A mixture of men and women aged 20 to 60 lie on cushions to the sound of New Age music.

Some stroke their neighbor's hair.

Others hug tightly, eyes closed, as if it were the last embrace they shared with someone


Many gatherings are specifically designed to bring comfort, explains the journalist who specifies: “ 

But every evening, the curfew falls on the city like a chopper

: from 10 p.m., people look at their watches, get up and put on their clothes. in motion, cars drive faster.

At 11 p.m. sharp, Kiev stops, nothing moves, the sidewalks are deserted


In the Ukrainian capital, the party has resumed but the war has never ceased to occupy people's minds.

Displaced Ukrainians return to Russian-occupied territories


Washington Post

is interested for its part in the

Ukrainians forced to return to their homes, in the territories under Russian control


According to the daily, more and more displaced people, running out of money, have no other solution.

The Ukrainian government releases an aid of 55 dollars per month and per person for the evacuees of the territories conquered by the Russians, but this remains insufficient to survive.

Since the Russian invasion, the price of rents has doubled or even tripled in the west of Ukraine relatively spared by the war, and above all the displaced people cannot find work, explains the newspaper: " 

There are so many displaced people every job offer is taken by storm



Every day, hundreds of cars and a few buses line up in a dusty parking lot

in Ukrainian-controlled Zaporizhia

, waiting to join columns bound for Luhansk in the east or Kherson in the south, areas occupied by the Russians

 “, testifies the correspondent of the

Washington Post

, who questioned the people of the queue.

Vadym Lysanskiy returns with his wife to the village they left three months ago: " 

We don't want to go back there, I'm afraid of being forcibly enrolled in the separatist army

 ", says this former miner , " 

but we are tired of being in survival mode



I am not happy that my house is now in Russian territory

 says another displaced person who is preparing to return to Mariupol, " 

but it's my home, and many of my neighbors have already returned


Gas: European solidarity in question

The European press, for its part, returns to the plan to reduce gas consumption by 15%.

The agreement was concluded yesterday in Brussels between the 27 member countries of the EU.


Europe saves gas

 ”, headlines

El País


The daily explains that several countries including Spain will benefit from an exception: Madrid, which does not depend on Russian hydrocarbons, will be able to limit its effort to a 7% drop in gas consumption.


For the first time in the European Union, a common energy saving plan has been agreed and, by the way, the principle is established that this crisis can only be overcome with a common, coherent and united response from the 27

 ", emphasizes the editorialist of

El País

, who adds: " 

Germany made the mistake of becoming the energy hostage of the Kremlin, but its release must be the task of all partners.

This time, Europe shares the sacrifice


In Germany,

Die Welt

, on the other hand, denounces

the shortcomings of this European solidarity



The saving objective is for the moment only voluntary

 ”, underlines the daily, which explains that “ 

a qualified majority of fifteen States will be required to impose these restrictions.

It is not clear that it will be found, and when the time comes, the member countries could again try to negotiate exceptions


In short, Germany doubts the ability of Member States to reduce their gas consumption and the population is worried about not being able to heat themselves this winter.

As a result, notes the

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

, there is a

rush on electric heaters


Appliances are sold out in many stores

 ,” the newspaper notes, citing the concern of energy experts at the frenzy: “ 

If millions of radiators are turned on during cold winter evenings, it can be dangerous for the network. electric.

There could be power outages


The daily indicates that the vice-president of the Greens in the Bundestag expressly advises against the use of electric fan heaters.

These are inefficient, use more energy than conventional heaters and are " 

extremely expensive

 " to operate.


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