Teller Report

Dragon China

7/27/2022, 2:07:14 PM

“China is not Europe. And you won't show him f**k, as Victoria Nuland once did. In this regard, the likelihood that the trip will not take place is very high. Of course, they will officially tell us that the visit is "postponed" for a "good" reason. As it was once before. Fortunately, the coronavirus is still walking the planet and Pelosi can always “get sick” with it again. But the fact that attempts to enter Taiwan will continue is a fact.”

Nancy Pelosi is 82 years old, but she still wants thrills.

And not only for yourself.

Therefore, she is going to go to Taiwan and thereby tease China, which has repeatedly and strongly spoken out against this visit.

But Pelosi doesn't care.

For against the background of the lack of victories on the Ukrainian front, some American political circles need to at least somewhere declare a victory.

And Taiwan is the best suited for this event, although extremely dubious, but very necessary in the light of the upcoming elections.

By the way, Biden said that the Pentagon does not support the idea of ​​the visit, and the White House is secretly trying to dissuade Pelosi from the trip, fearing that Beijing will not let the plane land on which the congresswoman will arrive on the island.

Apparently, the whole point is that right now Washington is not ready to aggravate relations with China.

However, some hotheads are already saying that if Pelosi refuses to visit, then this will be a strategic victory for China, which cannot be allowed.

The idea that it was better not to plan this visit at all, of course, does not occur to anyone.

Because they are used to living on the principle of "what I want, then I turn back."

At the same time, there are enough sober and adequate minds in the United States who frankly say that Pelosi defiantly announcing a trip to Taiwan is a vivid example of how much American foreign policy loves to do things that have no other goal than to provoke a new conflict.


Those who are lobbying for this provocative visit have a certain logic: if China reacts harshly, it will be presented to the Americans as confirmation of its aggressiveness;

if the reaction is not tough enough, then it will be announced that American policy is bearing fruit and China is already almost on a short leash.

And they don’t care that more people are realizing that (quote) “the real world (the world outside the West) understands that the Democrats created the conditions for war with Russia, gave Israel the green light to attack Iran, increased tensions with North Korea and are now provoking China with this crazy Pelosi visit to Taiwan."


For some, the Chinese MoD's announcement that the Chinese military will by no means sit idly by and will take decisive action to discourage any outside interference and separatist incitement further spurs the implementation of this unwanted visit.

But there is a nuance.

China is not Europe.

And you won't show him f**k, as Victoria Nuland once did.

In this regard, the likelihood that the trip will not take place is very high.

Of course, officially we will be told that it is "postponed" for a "good" reason.

As it was once before.

Fortunately, the coronavirus is still walking the planet and Pelosi can always “get sick” with it again.

But the fact that attempts to enter Taiwan will continue is a fact.

Simply because it is this direction that is a priority in the conditions of the unsuccessful development of the Ukrainian scenario.

And the worse things are in Ukraine, the greater the turn to the east will be.

Where the Americans will once again try to prove to everyone that they are still hoo and, despite the withdrawal from Afghanistan and the unsuccessful Ukrainian campaign, they are still able not only to unleash another conflict, but also to distract their own citizens from the pressing problems that every day is getting bigger.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editors.