Teller Report

Anni B. Sweet: "A song has taken me out of very bad days"

7/27/2022, 2:54:34 PM

The summer of Anni B. Sweet, the artistic name behind which Ana López is found, is being intense, full of tours and concerts, always from here to there, both in...

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The summer of

Anni B. Sweet,

the stage name behind which Ana López finds herself, is being intense, full of tours and concerts, always back and forth, both solo - the last one just a few days ago, in Malaga, to close the poster for 'Atardeceres Larios', a charity experience in favor of the

Antonio Banderas

Foundation - as with 'Los Estanques', the group with which he has collaborated on his new album, '

Bubble Comfortable and Elefante Inesperado'.

A job that, like its title, seems to take her out of her comfort zone but that, contrary to what it might seem, is closer to what she has always wanted to do.

She tells us about it in a central park in Madrid, where we met up with her, taking advantage of a gap in her busy schedule, in a quiet and cool place, like her music, apparently so different from that of

'Los Estanques'.

"We are different, but not that much," she confesses.

"They are very young people, with incredible talent who made the music that I liked to listen to. It was the most


thing I've done, it flowed. I've always liked psychedelia and the music of the 60s and 70s. Another thing it was to be able to do it, because I compose with my guitar. In my musical career little by little what I have learned is being seen.


and crude, of guitar and voice.

The next album already had a more electric point".

It is what he could do at home, in a completely self-


way , learning with his computer, the guitar and the recording programs.

"I've always been singing, music has always been there, in my life, at school, with my group of friends... I wrote songs, I sang them, I played... The little I knew, because the


I also learned it with myself, although I defended myself quite well", she confesses smiling.



in his day-to-day because it also flooded his house, maybe that's why he never proposed it as something professional.

"And I don't know why, really, because it was what filled me the most in the world; I loved dancing,


... But when the time comes you start thinking about a normal job, some studies, a



Xavier Barbancho

As she liked everything related to

Fine Arts

, she ended up enrolling in


, something to which she will always be grateful because it brought her to Madrid, the place where she met even more musicians.

And it all started.

"They told me: 'Why don't you dare to open microphones?'

nervous wreck


And so I started teaching the songs I had and I started recording the songs, which I uploaded to



network star

Unintentionally, the platform was her launch pad and Anni became a star, supported by thousands of people.

"They called from Subterfuge Records to offer themselves as a record label. And I hadn't even released a record when they asked me to participate in the

Benicassim Festival


She was 22 years old and "it was very cool. Coming out of nowhere and suddenly seeing you at a festival like that, ugh!" She recalls, still impressed, because digesting that success at such a young age also cost her.

"At the time you are not aware. I did not stop playing and it seemed incredible to me to leave home, go to any city and that there were people there waiting for me, who had also left their house, but to see me. It still seems

incredible to me

It still surprises me a lot, that feeling hasn't changed at all, it's the same as when I started.

Let these people stop what they're doing to come hear me sing!

That is the engine that keeps me going, because as in everything, there are ups and


in this too .

And thinking of the people who support me makes me continue and push forward."

Since then things have changed a lot.

"Twelve or 13 years have passed, and when that catches you in the decade from 20 to 30, one


yes or yes. You learn many things, you never stop doing it. The world is also changing and you are dealing with everything that. When I started I was

super innocent

, I didn't know how it worked, then you realize everything. Now I see that there is a lot that you know, and another that you don't know so much, because this world hides many stories, but in the end the music is above everything. On a personal level, life is teaching you and it's also very



shy and insecure


, very bad with names, shy and


-"Sometimes you can confuse one thing with another", she points out-, Anni B. Sweet gets very excited about things and says she has a lot of patience and gets carried away a lot, something that It brings "many problems, but also a lot of humor", he confesses.

She also says that more than a decade after that festival that launched her into the world, she continues to get very


when she goes on



"In fact, the day that doesn't happen to me means that there is something strange that is missing, for the worse. I like to have a bit of nerves; the


in the stomach always comes in handy. A little bit of tension, to later enjoy relaxing it" .

As references, Anni speaks of



Dylan Thomas



and all the classics of poetry.

"I like it a lot. Lately I have discovered

Ángel González.

I am reading all his

poetic work

and I love it, it is very sensual, earthy, but with a cosmic point that I am passionate about; a very beautiful mix. My favorite book, the one that inspired A large part of my album 'Universe for Brand New' is 'Literature Classes', by

Julio Cortázar.

It talks about the imagination as part of reality, it seems very necessary to me".

And also "

Nina Simone, Luz Casal

..., a lot of names.

But as life references, the closest people, my family and my friends, who help me see things in a realistic and beautiful way at the same time".

Xavier Barbancho

Where do you find inspiration when you sit down to compose? In my day to day.

Normally in sadness, in melancholy.

Always more in the negative things than in the positive ones, for me it is a way of transforming that into energy, into art, into something beautiful.

It seems like a cliché but it is true: when you have moments in which you are very stressed or very happy or simply nothing happens to you, it is very difficult to compose.

I need to have gone through something, to be calm down.

Although it can also come from happiness, because it turns into melancholy when it passes.

And that's what makes me write. Do muses exist? I think so, what I don't know is how to look for them.

Books help me a lot, stories that I talk about with friends;

it's surreal when the conversation with someone ends up taking you down an unexpected path.

Sometimes I read and it is an enjoyment, but nothing inspires me;

other times I sit down to write songs and they don't come either... It's very complicated.

It doesn't happen to me that "I know that if I return to this place I can write a song".

But suddenly it appears and it's something magical. Of all your songs, which one would you point out as a special one? There are a lot, according to each stage of my life.

Now I'm in a very important one, I've met new people and I've had a different experience with 'Los Estanques'.

I'm very motivated and the songs I've done with them also create a point of melancholy in me, because the moment of recording has passed and they become real.

If I had to choose, I'd say 'Hormigas', from my previous album, 'Universo por premier', and 'Caballitos de mar', from the last one, this album brings back very nice memories.

Who would you like to get on stage with? I've been lucky enough to share the stage with a lot of friends, and it would have been amazing to do it with Pink Floyd or the Beatles.

I would also love Melody's Echo Chamber, an incredibly talented girl who makes music that I really like.

And I could go to the classics: Santiago Userón, Miguel Ríos..., with him I was already lucky enough to fulfill that dream.

When do you know a song is round? I never know, I trust those I trust.

I record the demos at home, that's how it works.

I do everything I can play by hand and the arrangements with the computer, to leave everything as drawn.

And there I begin to show it to the closest people, to see the reaction.

And I trust that more than my instinct, because when I make a song it seems to me the best song in the world, and the next day the worst,

and the next day I like it again, and I leave it again... I have to trust a little what is around me and my first intuition than everything else.

If not, for me the process would never end, I would be thinking about it all my life. What do you have left to do? Everything.

A lot of things.

I need to be in motion all the time when writing songs.

'Universo por premier' has been my first album in Spanish, and I feel that I have a lot to do with my language.

My greatest desire is to be in contact with music in the purest way possible, that's what I want to keep.

Sometimes everything falters...

I'd be thinking about it all my life. What do you have left to do? Everything.

A lot of things.

I need to be in motion all the time when writing songs.

'Universo por premier' has been my first album in Spanish, and I feel that I have a lot to do with my language.

My greatest desire is to be in contact with music in the purest way possible, that's what I want to keep.

Sometimes everything falters...

I'd be thinking about it all my life. What do you have left to do? Everything.

A lot of things.

I need to be in motion all the time when writing songs.

'Universo por premier' has been my first album in Spanish, and I feel that I have a lot to do with my language.

My greatest desire is to be in contact with music in the purest way possible, that's what I want to keep.

Sometimes everything falters...

His favorite moment of the day is


-"I've been lucky enough to have lived through a few playing and it seems incredible to me"-, and in this summer full of concerts he would like to have time to sit down and have a drink with...



"Well, better with


, my best friend, whom I haven't seen for a long time. And that some astronaut came to tell us stories and also Antonio Arias, from

Lagartija Nick

, who has always inspired me a lot."

I won't be able to do much more, he jokes, "the rest of the time, the little moments that I have left, I'll try to enjoy reading and writing. My perfect plan for this summer would be to write songs."

A song for a bad day

Because lately he can't disconnect.

"Before I did it with the


, playing a little and reading. Now it doesn't work, I have a million things in my head."

And everything in her life is a song.

"Right now there's one that makes me cringe, 'The End of the World' by

Aphrodite's Child

. I can't listen to it without a lump in my throat, or my stomach, or everywhere..."

I can't say goodbye to her without asking who she would like to dedicate her next song to.

"To each person who


it , to those who do not see much


. A song has taken me out of very bad days."

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