Teller Report

A 13-year-old dog used as a medicinal... "I will take legal action"

7/27/2022, 9:09:20 AM

<Oh! Click> The last search term is 'dog dragged to health center'. A dog owner who was desperately looking for a lost dog revealed a shocking story that someone slaughtered the dog and made a medicine for it.


Click> The last search term is 'dog dragged to health center'.

A dog owner who was desperately looking for a lost dog revealed a shocking story that someone slaughtered the dog and made a medicine for it.

Dog owner A, who has been raising Golden Retriever 'Bella' for 13 years, released Bella in his yard in Yeonsu-gu, Incheon a few days ago and lost it.

Enlarging an image

I made flyers and posted them all over the town, but I couldn't find them, but I heard the news that Bella was slaughtered and made into medicine within a week.

According to Mr. A, the person who delivered the news is the daughter of the person who received the medicine. On the day Bella went missing, a grandfather took the dog to the park and contacted the health center to buy medicine for her acquaintance.

Later, when the health center contacted the slaughterhouse, it was said that Bella was made into medicine.

Person A said, "I am suspicious of whether the drug was given to me by a real acquaintance or whether I was lying because it was an act I committed.

Netizens commented, "If you've been raised for 13 years, it's really family... It's an irreversible wound."

He responded, "I hope you are doing something like that even looking into those eyes... I hope you get a strong punishment."