Teller Report

'Drinking measurement refusal, police assault' rapper Jang Yong-joon sentenced to 2nd trial today

7/27/2022, 11:18:32 PM

Rapper Noel's appeal is delivered today on charges of failing to comply with a breathalyzer request and assaulting a police officer. The Seoul Central District Court's Criminal Case Division 4-3 announces the judgment of the appeal court against Mr. Jang at 10:40 am today.

The appeal of the rapper Noel (22, real name Jang Yong-jun), who was handed over to trial for refusing to comply with a request for a breathalyzer test and assaulting a police officer, comes out today (28th).

The Seoul Central District Court's Criminal Case Division 4-3 (Chief Judge Cha Eun-kyung, Yang Ji-jeong, and Jeon Yeon-sook) announces the judgment of the appeals court against Jang at 10:40 am today.

Jang Je-won, the son of Representative Jang Je-won, was driving a car at the St. Mary's Hospital intersection in Seocho-gu, Seoul at around 10:30 pm on September 18 last year and had a collision with another car.

He was arrested on charges of refusing to comply with a police officer's request for a breathalyzer at the scene and hitting a police officer with the head, and was detained in October of the same year.

The first trial found most of the charges against Mr. Jang guilty and sentenced him to one year in prison.

However, in May of this year, when the Constitutional Court ruled again unconstitutional of the "Yun Chang-ho Act," which aggravates repeated drunk driving and refusal to measure alcohol, Jang was charged with violating the General Road Traffic Act, not the Yun Chang-ho Act.

As a result, there is a possibility that the sentence will be less than that of the first trial.

In the previous trial, the prosecution requested a three-year prison sentence for Jang as in the first trial.

In 2019, Jang was also charged with driving a car while drunk in Mapo-gu, Seoul, and was sentenced to 1 year and 6 months in prison and 2 years of probation in June 2020.

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