Teller Report

The devastating ease of Ginés

7/26/2022, 9:23:23 PM

Ginés Marín had never locked himself up with six bulls. He chose Santander to make his solo debut because it was a talisman in his career. To that fate the triumph responded. All...

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Ginés Marín

had never locked himself up with six bulls.

He chose


to make his solo debut because it was a talisman in his career.

To that fate the triumph responded.

Everything passed without an indescribable enthusiasm, which was unleashed at the end.

Ginés walked very easily, sometimes with that ease left over from illustrious heads that translates as coldness.

He fought with the sound that gives off his cape to the veronica to all the bulls -not very conducive to taking off, only one-, with greater or lesser intensity.

And he resolved with his unbeatable sword, the crux of the afternoon.

That he gave him the first ear of a bull from


with a good face, remarkable workmanship and better condition than push.

He warmed her up with the final push, definitively extinguishing the onslaught.

The sets he had drawn had not been superior to those he had drawn, so confrontational, before the corpulent specimen "opener" (they say now) of


with a jibarized face.

With a temperate background, that meek streak, slightly disregarded in its endings, they did not find the rhythm and the love ended up ruling.

Huge chest passes shone in every series.

A stab at the wrong luck, before burying the sword in the opposite, cooled the scant echo.

The cardinal bull of


had 60 kilos left over and lacked life, duration to be able to carry out his noble intention.

GM interpreted the time it lasted with exemplary orthodoxy.

And when he calmed down, he passed it with the forcefulness of his steel, again key in achieving the trophy that ensured the big door.

With a long change he cheered up the roost and the exit of the bull of

Juan Pedro,

of an exact harmony.

It was the task from less to more due to the touch, the treatment, the place and the head to make the attack, initially replenishing.

Ginés also broke the cold halo to warm up in three extraordinary series.

The bull had that bottom when it was demanded.

Another blow delivered the heaviest ear for the deepest task.

A very deep bull from


the only one from Cinqueño, turned out to be costly.


in his plugs or falsely unaware, when he traveled he never really did.


would sweat

on the inside, without appearing to have a hard time or effort.

In his virtue dwells his defect.

He pulled the brute out of the crouching garment that he was upon feeling the sword.

To compensate, the sixth battered jumped, from

El Parralejo,

with a noble and loose attack, very easy.

The evening word.

That devastating ease of Ginés, who would kill another six without messing up his hair.

The last superb stoconazo would give him two ears to close a happy job.

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  • Bulls