Teller Report

Lil Wayne and Regé-Jean Page are in the Fil des Stars

7/26/2022, 3:35:29 PM

All the people news is in "20 Minutes" July 26, 2022 Jarvis Cocker Confirms Pulp Reunion It's official: Pulp will reform in 2023! Jarvis Cocker has confirmed during a Q&A hosted by The Guardian that the cult band will return to the stage on the 25th anniversary of their no less cult album This Is Hardcore . The singer had recently posted a video with the mention “What do you do for an encore? », phrase taken from the title song of t

July 26, 2022

Jarvis Cocker Confirms Pulp Reunion

It's official: Pulp will reform in 2023!

Jarvis Cocker has confirmed during a Q&A hosted by

The Guardian

that the cult band will return to the stage on the 25th anniversary of their no less cult album

This Is Hardcore


The singer had recently posted a video with the mention “What do you do for an encore?

», phrase taken from the title song of the album.

As he explained, he had been "deliberately cryptic".

"Next year, Pulp will play a few shows," he added.

The band's drummer, Nick Banks, meanwhile explained that details will be forthcoming.

Lil Wayne pays tribute to the cop who saved his life

Regé-Jean Page is not joining the MCU

Regé-Jean Page will not be in the cast of

Secret Invasion

, the new Disney+ series from the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

If her appearance had been claimed in the first press release, Disney must have sent an erratum, according to Collider.

Fortunately, fans can console themselves with a four-star cast for this series: Samuel L. Jackson, Cobie Smulders, Martin Freeman, Ben Mendelsohn, Olivia Colman and Emilia Clarke will be there!


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