Teller Report

A simple test to assess the health hand only

7/26/2022, 5:29:19 PM

A recent study conducted by researchers from the University of Vienna revealed a simple and easy test that is a strong indicator of health status and whether a person is close to the risk of early death, and the test is related to each person's grip strength. to choose

A simple test to assess the health hand only

A recent study conducted by researchers from the University of Vienna revealed a simple and easy test that is a strong indicator of the health status and whether a person is close to the risk of early death, and the test is related to the strength of each person's hand grip.

According to the study, published in the BMJ, hand grip strength is an effective screening tool for various health conditions. If someone's grip strength is low, it may be an indicator of underlying health problems — and not just in the elderly.

According to a report published by the British newspaper "Express", a large number of studies have shown that low grip strength may be a manifestation of health conditions related to heart and lung problems.

Some studies have also found that those with reduced grip strength have a lower life expectancy.

The study, published in the BMJ, sought to establish an objective standard for hand grip strength that could be applied to the general public, and the researchers hope to provide clinicians with a tool that measures hand grip strength, after which the clinician should consider sending the patient for further examination.

The study results provide standardized thresholds that directly link hand grip strength to life expectancy, thus enabling clinicians to detect patients with increased mortality risk early.

Grip strength is measured by pressing the dynamometer with one hand, and in general, the strength of the hand grip depends on the gender, age and height of the person.

Study co-author Sergey Sherbov said that to perform the test, the patient is asked to make two attempts with each hand, and the best experiment is used to measure.

There is a special protocol for this process as the values ​​may depend on whether the test was performed in a standing or sitting position, among other considerations.

Whatever your age, physical activity can help you live a healthier and happier life, and eating a healthy, balanced diet is also an important part of maintaining good health.

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