Teller Report

In Montenegro, they announced problems in the tourism industry due to the lack of Russians

7/25/2022, 5:46:28 PM

The tourism industry of Montenegro is going through difficult times due to the lack of Russians. This is reported by the agency with reference to industry workers.

“The situation scares me, because, as far as I remember, even in 1999 the season was better, and then we were bombed.

For many years, Russians were the largest category of tourists in Montenegro, and now air communication with Russia is prohibited, ”said the owner of the souvenir kiosk.

He clarified that now the daily earnings of sellers are sometimes 50% less than in the normal season.

Earlier, the executive director of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR), Maya Lomidze, said that the flow of tourists from Russia to Europe in 2022 had decreased to several tens of thousands of trips.