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Headlines: the Pope's apologies to Canada, an expected event?

7/25/2022, 5:28:28 PM

AMERICAS PRESS REVIEW Headlines: the Pope's apologies to Canada, an expected event? Indigenous peoples gather to see Pope Francis as he visits Maskwacis, Alta., during his papal tour across Canada, Monday, July 25, 2022. © Jason Franson./The Canadian Press via AP Text by: Marie Normand Follow 4 mins Advertising Read more For The Globe and Mail , the four-day tour of Pope Francis in Canada,


Headlines: the Pope's apologies to Canada, an expected event?

Indigenous peoples gather to see Pope Francis as he visits Maskwacis, Alta., during his papal tour across Canada, Monday, July 25, 2022. © Jason Franson./The Canadian Press via AP

Text by: Marie Normand Follow

4 mins


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The Globe and Mail

, the four-day tour of Pope Francis in Canada, and these apologies delivered on the lands of indigenous communities, were expected “ 

for generations



If this visit has a characteristic smell

,” quips the

Toronto Star

, “

it could be the bright note of freshly laid asphalt

” on the roads that the pope will take.

The newspaper calls the apology to

residential school survivors

welcome, albeit belated and perhaps not universally accepted



Toronto Star

interviews Gary Gagnon, one of 32 Indigenous delegates present in Rome in April “ 

when Pope Francis first apologized


He maintains that “ 

this experience has changed him


Others say they expect nothing from this visit or underline the difficulties in attending the event.

The Globe and Mail

evokes “ 

contradictory and complicated reactions 

” in the various Aboriginal communities.


Treaty 6 Grand Chief George Arcand Jr. said many in the Indigenous community are skeptical and hurt, but an apology could be the start of a new era 

“, reports for its part

Le Devoir

To read also: 

The Pope visits Indigenous communities in Canada: "I want more than an apology"

California: Huge fire near Yosemite Park 

It's the biggest fire of the year, says the

San Francisco Chronicle


Oak Fire, as it is called, is spreading rapidly, " 

fueled by extreme drought, an abundance of dead trees and persistent hot, dry weather



The fires in California are so severe that some forests could disappear forever

 ,” warns the

Los Angeles Times


“  Tree

cover in the state has shrunk 6.7% since

1985, and researchers fear lost trees may never grow back



As climate change sets the stage for more frequent and more devastating fires


High Country News

notes that it is very costly for residents to protect their homes.

$27,000 for " 

a new fire-resistant roof


The Colorado magazine is concerned that this new era " 

make some owners vulnerable


Fire resistance has become “ 

a matter of climate equity


To read also: The Oak Fire continues to spread near Yosemite Park, California

16 Haitians died in the sinking of a boat  

 The boat capsized in the waters of the Bahamas

 ”, in the middle of the night, explains

Le Nouvelliste


The daily

Miami Herald

publishes a photo of the survivors - men - piled up on the hull of the capsized boat.

In all, 15 women died, along with a man and a child.

A dozen of these migrants who were trying to reach the United States are missing.


Since October 2021, notes

Le Nouvelliste

, more than 6,100 Haitians have been arrested at sea 

” while trying to reach the United States: “The largest exodus in two decades.


The Prime Minister of the Bahamas says that his country has been " 

very successful over the past few months 

", with the help of the Cuban and American coast guards, in preventing them from docking.

The world suggests that we absorb everyone who leaves Haiti 

," he said yesterday, as reported by

Eye Witness News


The Bahamas cannot, according to him, open its borders to irregular immigration because of its “ 

own limited resources 


Bolivia: no pesos, no hospital  

Direction now the north of Argentina, more precisely in the province of Salta where hundreds of bikers demonstrated on Sunday.

They were demanding justice after the death of a teacher in Bolivia two weeks ago.

Alejandro Benítez, a recently retired Argentinian, had gone on a motorcycle to the neighboring country.

On the road between Santa Cruz and Cochabamba, he was run over by a truck.

According to the friends who accompanied him, the biker was " 

deprived of medical care for several hours

, says

La Nacion


because he had no Bolivian pesos

 " to pay the paramedics.

In the Salta daily,

El Tribuno

, the biker associations call for a boycott of the destination until the circumstances of his death are clarified, but also the respect of the "reciprocity" agreement signed in 2019 between the two countries on free healthcare in the event of an emergency.

The Bolivian newspaper

Pagina Siete

notes that public hospitals in the northern provinces of Argentina do provide free care to Bolivians, but that for the moment the reverse is not true.  


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  • Canada

  • Pope Francis

  • United States

  • Haiti

  • Bolivia

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