Teller Report

“The Gray Man” .. “Netflix” marginalizes creativity in favor of “algorithm”

7/24/2022, 10:14:04 PM

“Netflix” works according to “the rules of calculating the audience on the computer”, or what will attract the audience digitally to its product, which is “algorithm”, or what translates in Arabic as “algorithms” in relation to the mathematician Muhammad bin Musa Al-Khwarizmi, who is considered the first to lay the foundations of computer science. The Gray Man movie, another try

Studded with the names of the most powerful Hollywood stars

“The Gray Man” .. “Netflix” marginalizes creativity in favor of “algorithm”

  • The film is impressive in terms of its performance, but it is completely empty of idea and story.



“Netflix” works according to “the rules of calculating the audience on the computer”, or what will attract the audience digitally to its product, which is “algorithm”, or what translates in Arabic as “algorithms” in relation to the mathematician Muhammad bin Musa Al-Khwarizmi, who is considered the first to lay the foundations of computer science.

The Gray Man, another Netflix attempt to delve into the blockbuster world of blockbuster action, and like its predecessors Red Notice and 6 Underground, is very impressive in terms of the show - action - but it's completely empty, in concept and story.

When you enter a clothing store that sells only white clothes and one black, red or blue shirt, you will only pay attention to that which is different, and the same is the case with action movies.

The film cost "Netflix" $ 200 million, which is the budget of the "Marvel films", but unlike the huge investment, the film does not provide what is required of it, and this is puzzling for a producer named after brothers Joe and Anthony Russo, and one of the stars is Chris Evans (Captain America himself). The Russo brothers are comic book fans who created Marvel's golden age in the past decade.

The film was attacked in the American press, given its focus on action and neglect of other aspects, and let's be realistic, it is not too bad, and impressively well done, especially the execution of chase scenes and individual martial arts shots.

The best word to judge it is average or normal, and if it was made with unknown actors and a budget of not more than 50 million dollars, it would have been said to be a “forgotten movie.”

In front of us is an action thriller that is technically solid and weak in terms of story, dialogue and characters.

Hint for an upcoming part

The first 100 minutes are pretty good and the last 20 are unnecessary, silly, and meaningless stretches other than hinting at an upcoming segment.

Netflix is ​​hoping to make a series of "The Gray Man," but the initial indications don't bode well, especially if we look at the budget.

The story is a mixture of the most famous action films, a few "James Bond", with elements from "Mission Impossible", and other "Jason Bourne" films, with some "John Wick" spices.

"Sierra 6" (Ryan Gosling), "Agent 007" as his nickname mocks him, is a convicted felon who offers to commute his sentence in exchange for working for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) at the Grayman Attaché. assassination and destruction.

Things are going smoothly under the man who recruited him into prison, Donald Fitzroy (Billy Bob Thornton), but a change of management shifts him to work for Denny Carmichael (Reggie Jane Page) and his assistant Susan (Jessica Henwick).

During the operation, "6" possesses a secret file containing information about Carmichael's involvement, which puts his life at risk.

Carmichael enlists freelance contractor Lloyd Hansen (Chris Evans as villain) - a contractor with crazy streaks and a weird mustache like the late Freddy Mercury of Queen's - to kill "6" and recover the file.

"6" later discovers that he has no allies except for his colleague Danny Miranda (Cuban Ana de Armas in a men's suit to strip her features of femininity and enlarge her tiny body), and he faces a growing army of enemies appearing from all sides, and this particular part is completely borrowed from "John Wick 2" in 2017. Of course, it's clear that we're headed toward the inevitable showdown between "6" and Lloyd.


If we leave the last part of the film and its disadvantages, we are looking at an action-driven thriller that offers nothing new or original that never raises it above the clamor of this cinematic classification.

It's clear that the Russo brothers are an absolute master of the chase scenes, one-on-one combat, and the design and execution of the action components.

But they rely almost entirely on special effects to create this action, a devastating decision that undermines the credibility of the cinematic image and takes the film into the realm of video games.

Action needs realistic footage to be taken as seriously as Tom Cruise does in "Mission Impossible," or Keanu Reeves in "John Wick."

Or even John McTiernan, director of two “Die Hard” films, when he famously said in the summer of 1994 during the filming of “Die Hard 3”: “Do not ask me about the performance of the actors, this is their business and I have nothing to do with it. Ask me about the action, it is my responsibility.” His words are because the purpose of the action show and dazzle in the first place.

Action clips are characterized by an abnormal speed that may cause dizziness to the viewer, and due to its high speed, each shot is only about two seconds long, which makes the action illogical. We add to this problems with the sequence of shots, meaning that certain clips do not complete the previous one correctly.

For example, Gosling may not be breathing normally after jumping off a train, and Armas may not drive a car that gets shot at without panicking in the next shot.

The film also suffers from a weak story and a large number of clichés and poor dialogues that were used in films of the nineties and have become obsolete today, in addition to the one-sentence comments that the character says to make fun of himself or others, which is also an old fashion from the films of the eighties and nineties.

The best element of the Hollywood star-studded film is Tamil movie star Dhanush, who plays a lone wolf who fights with "6" and Miranda simultaneously in one of the movie's most iconic scenes.

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"Panadol" pill

“Netflix” is not worried about the numbers of the American ticket fund, as it relies on the movie stars to attract the audience, but this is like a “Panadol” pill that relieves headaches and does not cure it. An all-encompassing action movie made right, not caring about one element and neglecting the rest.


Million dollars, the cost of the movie, which if it was made with unknown actors and a budget of not more than 50 million dollars, would have been said to be a “forgotten work.”

The film's best element is Tamil movie star Dhanush, who plays a lone wolf who fights with "6" and Miranda simultaneously in one of the movie's most iconic scenes.

The story is a mixture of the most famous action films, a few "James Bond", with elements from "Mission Impossible", and other "Jason Bourne" films, with some "John Wick" spices.

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