Teller Report

Amanda Nildén on the championship debut: "Are there things to improve"

7/23/2022, 11:39:59 AM

In the end, it was a Swedish victory in Amanda Nildén's championship debut. Afterwards, her feelings were mixed. - It is clear that there are things you want to do better, things you want to refine, but right now it feels really good, she says to SVT Sport.

1-0 against Belgium on Friday means that Sweden will play the semi-final against England on Tuesday.

Amanda Nildén thus had to step into the starting eleven in a directly decisive playoff match in her championship debut.

- It's mixed feelings, but right now it just feels really good that Sempan (Linda Sembrant) scored that goal at the end and that we escaped extra time and we're in the semi-finals, so it feels really good, says Amanda Nildén. 

The match was tough, but in the end it was a relief, she says.

But she is not completely satisfied with her own effort.

- Hard to say, I haven't had time to analyze very much.

It's clear that there are things you want to do better, things you want to refine, but right now it feels really good to win, to have made a competitive debut, to have played a quarter-final in the European Championship and so on.

So it feels good. 

Sweden plays the semi-final against England on Tuesday.