Teller Report

Victor Leksell has released a new song with Einár

7/22/2022, 1:09:31 PM

Rapper Einár was shot to death last fall. Shortly before his death, he recorded "Din låt" together with his friend and fellow artist Victor Leksell, a song that is released today.

Although the song is only officially released today, many fans have probably already heard it in clips circulating online.

Victor Leksell has performed the song at festivals such as Brännbollsyran and Bayside Festival in Helsingborg.

Victor Leksell comments on the release on his Instagram account with the words: "Love and light grow out of darkness.

We all miss you mate”.

There have previously been four new Einár songs released posthumously and more may be released.

Hear "Your song" in the clip above.

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