Teller Report

Report: In the first half of the year, the game industry market revenue and user scale "double decline"

7/21/2022, 1:15:21 PM, Beijing, July 21st (Zhongxin Finance reporter Song Yusheng) On July 21st, the Game Work Committee (GPC) of the China Audio-Video and Digital Publishing Association and the China Game Industry Research Institute released the "China Games from January to June 2022". Industry Report.   The report shows that in the first half of 2022, due to factors such as the epidemic, the developm, Beijing, July 21st (Zhongxin Finance reporter Song Yusheng) On July 21st, the Game Work Committee (GPC) of the China Audio-Video and Digital Publishing Association and the China Game Industry Research Institute released the "China Games from January to June 2022". Industry Report.

  The report shows that in the first half of 2022, due to factors such as the epidemic, the development of China's game market was hindered, and both sales revenue and user scale decreased slightly year-on-year.

The actual sales revenue of mobile games decreased, but the actual sales revenue of client games still maintained an increase.

Report screenshot

  Data shows that from January to June 2022, the actual sales revenue of the Chinese game market was 147.789 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 1.8%.

  Zhang Yijun, the first vice chairman of the China Audiovisual and Digital Publishing Association and chairman of the Game Working Committee, pointed out in his interpretation that this is the first year-on-year decline in this data in recent years.

  At the same time, from January to June, the number of game users in China was about 666 million, a year-on-year decrease of 0.13%.

  Zhang Yijun believes that the "double drop" in market revenue and user scale is mainly due to the decrease in user income during the epidemic, the decrease in consumption willingness and the continuous increase in operating costs of game companies.

The downward trend in the number of users shows that the "demographic dividend" of the game industry has basically disappeared, and the industry may have entered an era of stock competition.

Report screenshot

  In addition, from January to June 2022, Chinese game companies continued to deploy overseas markets. The actual overseas sales revenue of Chinese self-developed games reached US$8.989 billion, a year-on-year increase of 6.16%, but the growth rate declined.

  Zhang Yijun analyzed that domestic games "going out" have maintained a relatively stable growth.

However, due to the increase in the cost of overseas purchases and the strengthening of international trade barriers, the growth rate of overseas markets is also slowing down, and the growth rate is lower than the same period last year.

  The data also shows that from January to June 2022, the actual sales revenue of China's mobile game market experienced negative growth for the first time, which is still the mainstream of the game market, but the proportion has decreased slightly.

The actual sales revenue of the client game market continued to increase, and the proportion increased.

The actual sales revenue of the web game market continued to decline, and the proportion continued to shrink.

  Zhang Yijun pointed out that from January to June 2022, the actual sales revenue of my country's client game market was 30.74 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 2.85%.

The main reason is that the full-platform distribution model centered on mobile games is more mature, and the return of user habits has brought a little turning point for client games.

  In the conclusion part of the report, it is pointed out that in the first half of 2022, my country's game industry has actively explored and made solid progress in the protection of minors, overseas market development, technological innovation, multi-platform and cross-domain integration, and dissemination of positive social values, and achieved phased results. .

  However, the game industry still faces many difficulties.

In the early stage of the epidemic, the "home" economic dividend subsided, and the sales revenue and user scale of the game market declined; leading companies and leading products have long dominated the market, and new product development and innovation momentum is insufficient, which is not conducive to the sustainable development of the industry; the global economic situation With the increasingly complex geopolitics and increasingly fierce international competition, the risk of China's game industry going overseas has intensified.

  The report also pointed out that the game industry should seize the strategic opportunity of my country's vigorous development of the digital economy, be brave in innovation, be sensitive to cross-border, realize the sustainable and high-quality development of the game industry, and actively participate in and promote the integration of digital and real.

Game companies should firmly establish the awareness of high-quality products, adhere to the strategy of high-quality products, speed up technical research, innovate game play methods, and strive to launch more excellent works with profound thinking, exquisite art and well-made production.

  Game companies should continue to actively participate in international competition, develop their strengths, make up for their shortcomings, and strive to build a comprehensive leading competitiveness; they should not only further expand the sales scale of self-developed games in overseas markets, but also carry the excellent traditional Chinese culture with high-quality content. The game goes overseas to bring emotional resonance and value transmission, further tell Chinese stories, show Chinese atmosphere, and promote Chinese culture.


