Teller Report

Streaming: how the Netflix platform wants to stem the flight of its subscribers

7/20/2022, 1:32:49 PM

Streaming giant Netflix lost subscribers again in the second quarter, but less than expected, and is betting on a rebound this summer, giving hope to investors who feared a free fall. The industry pioneer announced on Tuesday having lost 970,000 subscribers between the end of March and the end of June, instead of the two million he expected.

Aurélien Fleurot, edited by Solène Leroux with AFP 3:20 p.m., July 20, 2022

Streaming giant Netflix again lost subscribers in the second quarter, but less than expected, and is betting on a rebound this summer, giving hope to investors who feared a tailspin.

The industry pioneer announced on Tuesday that it had lost 970,000 subscribers between the end of March and the end of June, instead of the two million it expected.

The Netflix streaming platform is losing subscribers again.

Almost a million fewer customers in the second quarter of this year.

This is the second consecutive quarter of decline, and it was an unprecedented decline.

The Californian group published a turnover of 7.97 billion dollars for the period from April to June, a result lower than expectations which it put in particular on the account of an unfavorable exchange rate.

On the other hand, it made 1.44 billion in net profits, better than expected.

These performances "show that Netflix is ​​not likely to put the key under the door for the moment", reacted the independent analyst Rob Enderle.

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The competition is growing

Is there an explanation for the drop in subscribers of the streaming platform?

First of all, the competition is progressing, starting with Disney+, which has more than 130 million subscribers worldwide and which is growing strongly in Asia and more particularly in India.

We can also mention Apple TV and Prime Video, which are attracting more and more people.

Netflix remains the leader with 220 million subscribers, but the platform is no longer so essential.

The only satisfaction for Netflix, they expected worse: either losing twice as many subscribers.

The success of season 4 of the series

Stranger Things

has notably helped them to limit damage.

Limit password sharing

To maintain its number one position, the platform is changing its model by first offering a cheaper subscription, but with advertising.

Netflix also tries to limit the sharing of passwords and therefore the number of people who benefit from free access paid by someone else.

Netflix is ​​starting to experiment with an offer of an additional three euros per month to allow someone who is not in your household to benefit from your code.

It now exists in Argentina and several Central American countries.