Teller Report

It looks like there will be 70,000 people today... Additional installation of inspection stations and securing of hospital beds

7/20/2022, 10:44:34 PM

Today, the number of new coronavirus cases is expected to reach 70,000. As the speed of the re-infestation accelerated, the government introduced additional measures yesterday. Dedicated hospital beds and temporary screening centers were expanded, and self-test kits were sold at all convenience stores.


Today (21st), the number of new corona cases is expected to reach 70,000.

As the speed of the re-infestation accelerated, the government introduced additional measures yesterday.

Dedicated hospital beds and temporary screening centers were expanded, and self-test kits were sold at all convenience stores.

Reporter Kim Deok-hyun reports.


In February, when the Omicron epidemic was in full swing, there were about 210 temporary screening centers across the country, but only 4 are currently in operation.

The government has decided to open temporary screening centers in 70 locations across the country as demand for testing has increased significantly due to the coronavirus outbreak.

In Seoul, there are 55 locations in the metropolitan area and 15 locations in the non-metropolitan area.

The number of screening clinics at public health centers is increasing after 6 pm at night and on holidays.

The self-inspection kit has been made available to all convenience stores by removing the condition for reporting sales.

[Lee Ki-il / 1st General Coordinator of the Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasures Headquarters: We will make it possible to check the status of diagnostic kits at convenience stores nationwide through the app in real time.]

Quarantine hospitals and facilities with high risk of serious illness and death will have stronger quarantine measures. .

From the 25th, 'contact visits' will be stopped, and workers must undergo a PCR test once a week.

We have decided to bring in an additional 342,000 servings by the end of the year, and an additional 600,000 servings in the first half of next year.

The number of 'one-stop medical institutions' that can test, treat, and prescribe treatment will also increase to 10,000 by the end of this month.

We added those with underlying medical conditions and residents of facilities for the disabled to the 'fast-track' target, where everything from testing to prescribing drugs is completed in one day.

It was also decided to secure more than 4,000 beds in stages, but the medical community is saying that it may take more than a month before the actual operation of the beds is taken into account, such as the relocation of personnel.