Teller Report

Gazprom recorded a record daily volume of gas supplies to China via Power of Siberia

7/20/2022, 10:26:41 AM

Gazprom reported that the company supplies gas to the Chinese market in excess of contractual volumes.

“China is increasing the volume of daily purchases of Russian gas through the Power of Siberia gas pipeline – on July 19, a new historical record was reached.

Currently, Gazprom is delivering supplies in excess of the daily contract quantities, ”the company’s Telegram channel said in a statement.

It is noted that gas is supplied under a long-term contract between Gazprom and the Chinese company CNPC.

Leading expert of the National Energy Security Fund and the Financial University under the Government of Russia Stanislav Mitrakhovich spoke in an interview with the Izvestia newspaper about promising markets for Russian gas.

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