Teller Report

Danielson opens up about the dark times in China: "Did not feel well"

7/19/2022, 1:50:20 PM

Djurgården's gold hero Marcus Danielson, 30, is back - after a dark time in China. Mittbacken says that he takes the help of a psychologist to feel better. - Quite honestly, I'm not out of it, it will be a process. I want to find my way back to the person I want to be and really am, he says to SVT Sport.

The record transfer from Djurgården to the Chinese Dalian in the beginning of 2020 did not turn out as Marcus Danielson had imagined.

The pandemic hit China hard and in five rounds he has been isolated in quarantine, which has tarnished.

- It has been very many days locked in a room where I am not allowed to go outside the door and barely open the window.

In total, I would probably guess up to three months.

It has been stressful.

Some days I just wanted to shit in everyone and go from there.

I did not feel well.

Danielson now takes the help of a psychologist to process what has been.

- There are a lot of emotions that I have kept inside me that now have to come to the surface.

I want to feel much better.

Ready for return to Djurgården: "Can enjoy life again"

On Tuesday, the star did his first training with Djurgården since he was ready for a return.

Being in the place he wants and longs for also helps.

- It is a huge step in feeling better.

To start training here, have an everyday life that works, meet people and have a context to be in and contribute to. It is really from today that I can start to look ahead and really enjoy life again.

Djurgården, who have conceded the least number of goals of all teams in the Allsvenskan, is second in the table while 23-year-olds Hjalmar Ekdal and Isak Hien have impressed as midfield pair.

- For me, it is inspiring to play with good players.

Hopefully I will be able to contribute with my experience and that they can develop and learn something from me, so that they just do not just see it as if I take one of their place.

- Right now we have a very good position in the table.

It's just a matter of continuing during the summer and autumn and hoping to be somewhat similar in 2019.