Teller Report

Nathalie Björn: "We knew this could happen"

7/18/2022, 3:14:35 PM

The Swedish European Championship team has three suspected cases of covid-19. Two players and a leader have tested positive for antigen testing and are now isolated pending PCR testing. - Not great fun if the tests show what we think, says Nathalie Björn.

On Monday afternoon, the message came.

Two players and a leader in Sweden's EC squad are suspected of having been infected by covid-19.

Exactly which players and which leader it is about remains secret until further tests have been done.

- It's not great fun if the tests show what we think.

But somewhere we knew that this could happen, it has happened in other teams so we just have to sharpen up even more and try to stop it, says Nathalie Björn to SVT Sport.

Do you think that the infection got into the squad because you did not take care of yourself?

- No, I do not think so, I think it can come from anywhere.

At the arena, from staff or guests at the hotel.

So I really do not believe that it is because we should not have taken care of ourselves.

Earlier in the tournament, it was decided that the players would refrain from hugging opponents and family after the matches, in order to reduce the risk of infection.

- So it really becomes like going back to when the pandemic was at its worst, Björn says.

"It must be what it becomes"

In terms of football, Nathalie Björn thinks that Sweden got their game started during the 5-0 crush against Portugal where they got their opponents on their knees.

She sees several parts of the game that they can take with them from there:

- Fixed situations where we scored a couple of goals, then our counterattack which is straighter and faster.

It also feels like we vary our game, can be more unpredictable.

On Monday evening, the last group games will be played where Sweden's opposition in the quarter finals will be decided.

Among the alternatives, Italy, Iceland and Belgium, Nathalie Björn has no preference.

- We have played against Iceland in qualifiers before, so we have good experience from them.

We met Italy in the Algarve cup, went to penalties, a pretty tough match but also a good experience.

We have not played against Belgium.

So which team benefits us ... Honestly, it will be what it will be.