Teller Report

Liberal Democratic Party Mr. Ishiba and Mr. Maehara National Maehara and others to exchange opinions in preparation for an emergency in Taiwan

7/18/2022, 7:31:56 PM

[NHK] As China intensifies pressure on Taiwan, members of a group of parliamentarians working on security issues will visit Taiwan next week to prepare for a Taiwan emergency ...

As China increases pressure on Taiwan, members of a group of parliamentarians working on security issues will visit Taiwan next week to make adjustments to discuss measures such as preparing for a Taiwan emergency.

Former Secretary General Ishiba of the Liberal Democratic Party, former Defense Minister Hamada, Acting Representative Maehara of the Democratic Party for the People, Shu Watanabe of the Constitutional Democratic Party, and other members of the parliamentary group working on security issues are coordinating to visit Taiwan from 27th this month. I am.

As China intensifies pressure on Taiwan, I would like to exchange opinions locally with officials from the authorities, including the Ministry of Defense, on strengthening relations between Japan and Taiwan and responding to a Taiwan emergency.

We are also continuing to make adjustments to see if we can meet with President Tsai Ing-wen.

As a member, it seems that there is also the aim of appealing that even after the death of former Prime Minister Abe, who has been working on friendship and goodwill with Taiwan, there is no change in his stance of emphasizing relations with Taiwan.