Teller Report

Iceland – France LIVE: Prepare well for the quarter of the Euro without Katoto… Follow the last group match of Les Bleues with us

7/18/2022, 1:25:55 PM

Follow live with us the third group match of the Euro of the French team, which faces Iceland, this Monday


Show highlights only


  • The France team faces Iceland in the 3rd group match of the Euro.

  • Already qualified and guaranteed to be first, Les Bleues want to finish the group stage in style before facing the Netherlands in the quarter-finals.

  • Les Bleues will have to do without Marie-Antoinette Katoto, injured and out until the end of the competition.


Hello France who is hot!!!

Accompanied by our large bottle of water, our fan and a small cooling glove, we are preparing for the last match of the group stage of the Euro for the French team, this Monday.

Les Bleues face Iceland, in a match with no real stakes (except for Sara Bjork Gunnarsdottir's teammates, who can still qualify).

The French will try to prepare as well as possible for their quarter-final against the Netherlands on Saturday.

We hope for the show.

>> See you at 8:45 p.m. to follow this meeting.

We are counting on you, it will be cooler, you will have no excuses.

  • Sport

  • France football team

  • French women's team

  • Euro

  • Marie Antoinette Katoto

  • Soccer

  • Iceland