Teller Report

A young man demands a girl to return gifts of 170 thousand dirhams, after the engagement was broken

7/18/2022, 10:09:08 PM

A young man demanded a girl to return gifts and gifts worth more than 170,000 dirhams, after she learned that he was previously married and had a child, so she decided to annul their engagement, inquiring about the legal procedures he could take to restore his rights.

He hid from her his previous marriage and the birth of a child

A young man demands a girl to return gifts of 170 thousand dirhams, after the engagement was broken

  • The girl asked to break off the engagement as soon as she learned of his previous marriage.

    "Emoticon" via Getty Images

  • Youssef Al-Sharif: “What is built on fraud is built on straw, at any time and with the slightest wind, its foundations will fly away.”


A young man demanded a girl to return gifts and gifts worth more than 170,000 dirhams, after she learned that he was previously married and had a child, so she decided to annul their engagement, wondering about the legal procedures he could take to restore his rights.

This came as part of legal awareness sessions, presented by Legal Counsel, Dr. Youssef Al Sharif, through "Emirates Today", to shed light on the Personal Status Law and its new articles.

The questioner said that "a 32-year-old young man got engaged to a 25-year-old girl from a good family, and bought her gifts and valuable things, including a watch whose value is not less than 70,000 dirhams, and other things whose value exceeds 100,000 dirhams."

He added that his fiancée is a well-mannered and respectable girl, and she requested that the engagement period be for their acquaintance, after which the marriage is concluded, and the calls between them continued within two months, and during this period he told her that he had been married to an (Arab) woman for several years, without the consent of his family or their consent, and after When she got pregnant, she started causing problems with him, so he divorced her.

And he continued, "My mother was happy at the time about the news of the divorce from this girl, and I started searching for a girl who suits me, but I used to make any excuse to reject the girl my mother proposed for her engagement, as my heart was still attached to my ex-wife at the time, but the day I saw my current fiancée, I could not resist myself from her beauty. Respect and honor it.”

He indicated that he could not end his attachment to his divorced woman, especially that she bore him a child, and he was committed and committed to spending on them, so he decided to return her to his custody with a new contract and dowry, pointing out that he told his fiancée that he had returned his divorcee again, to take care of his daughter.

He added that his fiancée, when she learned about this, went crazy, and her mother called his mother and told her what had happened, and that if they had known about his previous marriage, they would not have accepted the order of the engagement, and asked for the engagement to be annulled by them.

He added that he wanted to return the gifts and gifts he had bought for his fiancée and her family, and demanded them, but they refused, inquiring about "the legal procedures to restore what he gave to his fiancée, especially since the engagement was annulled by her."

For his part, Dr. Youssef Al-Sharif said that the legal position of the questioner is weak, because if his fiancée was able to prove that when he presented to her, he informed her and her family that he was unmarried, unmarried or divorced before, then what his fiancée did would be her right, and he supports her in This is the Personal Status Law in Article (18/1), which says: “Each of the two parties may abandon the engagement, and if harm results from one of the parties’ unnecessarily reversing the engagement, the other party has the right to claim compensation for the damage he sustained, and the one who caused the reversal takes the just judgment.”

He pointed out that according to this article, the one who caused the reversal takes the rule of the just, meaning that the questioner caused his fiancée to abandon the engagement, because he cheated her, and therefore she changed the engagement, but because of his misbehavior and cheating on her, and her damage from her association with him, so the material compensation for the damages that Arranged for her is the least she deserves.

The Sharif advised the young people to be mindful of God in their relationship with each other, and to know that what is built on cheating is built on straw, at any time and with the slightest wind, its foundations will fly and its foundations will be removed.

He pointed out that the young man made a mistake in not being honest with the girl or her family before his engagement to her about his previous marriage, and tried to manipulate her feelings and satisfy his mother and family at her expense.

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