Teller Report

The Government delivers Maduro to a persecuted Venezuelan

7/14/2022, 9:24:30 PM

The Spanish Government has today handed over to the Bolivarian regime the Venezuelan citizen Ernesto Quintero, a former employee of a brokerage firm in Caracas and persecuted by the Government...

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Today, the Spanish government handed over to the Bolivarian regime the Venezuelan citizen

Ernesto Quintero,

a former employee of a


house in


and persecuted by the Venezuelan government.

"Outrage and stupor has caused in the extensive Venezuelan community in


the extradition to


of compatriot Ernesto Quintero. It is a serious precedent that worries us and outrages everyone. We have asked the authorities for explanations," complained

Antonio Ecarri,

who works as head of the diplomatic mission of the presidency in charge in


The different requests for asylum in favor of Quintero were rejected by the Spanish administration.

The parliamentary request, made on May 26, was not heard either.

Quintero's defenders have tried for 29 months to fight against the open process against this 41-year-old citizen, who was identified at a Madrid

Municipal Police

control and it was discovered that he had a red notice from

Interpol against him.

Quintero and his family decided to take refuge in


after seeing how he became the scapegoat in an alleged case of fraud in his country.

The now deported worked as an administrator at

ABA Mercado de Capitales,

one of the brokerage houses intervened by

Hugo Chávez

in 2010. A $50 million fraud proceeding was initiated against its owners, during which Quintero worked side by side with state inspectors, and was even recognized for it.

However, his lawyers advised him to flee Venezuela, a country in which justice is part of the repressive apparatus of the dictatorship.

Neither the

National Court

nor the prosecutor nor the

Council of Ministers

heeded the demands not only of his defenders, but also

the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR),

which in a letter underlined Quintero's family roots and recommended "the non-return and the adequate assessment of their international protection needs, taking into account the humanitarian and security situation in Venezuela".

"An innocent without trial or due process. All the steps taken with the Spanish government have resulted in silence," protested the popular deputy

Valentina Martínez.

Faced with what seemed an inevitable extradition, the popular parliamentary group has presented a non-law proposal so that the diplomatic mission in Caracas demands from the Maduro government "scrupulous respect for detainees and due process" in the face of the "proliferation of mistreatment in prisons, thus preventing the Spanish government from becoming an accomplice in mistreatment of detainees".

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  • Venezuela

  • Minister council

  • National audience

  • Hugo Chavez

  • Venezuelan Elections

  • Nicholas Maduro

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