Teller Report

In person (s) voice - "Porca Miseria" by Tonino Benacquista, autobiographical novel

7/14/2022, 4:06:05 PM

In Porca Miseria, the Italian author born in France in 1961 tells us about his love for the classics of literature and the French language. 

In person(s)

“Porca Miseria” by Tonino Benacquista, autobiographical novel

Audio 29:00


© F. Mantovani Gallimard

By: Pascal Paradou Follow


Porca Miseria

, the Italian author born in France in 1961 tells us about his love for the classics of literature and the French language. 


Guest: The author Tonino Benacquista

for his latest novel published by Gallimard

Porca Miseria



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  • Italy

  • Literature

  • Culture

  • France

  • French language

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