Teller Report

Higher fine: SUV in court

7/12/2022, 11:29:56 AM

Unfortunately, brainless racers deliver penalties. But hopefully the SUV bashing, which is also driven by envy, will not have arrived in court. There is now a remarkable verdict.

The Mainzer Landstrasse is one of the major arterial roads in Frankfurt.

More recently, it has been reduced to one lane for cars, with space for cyclists on the edge and the tram in the middle.

Two young men in their white Audi Q7 with the license plate number F-NG XXX are obviously too slow, they thunder over the tracks past the queue at an estimated 80 km/h.

Does the danger come from the SUV or from its brainless drivers?

There is a remarkable verdict.

Anyone who uses an SUV illegally and in a manner that is at the same time dangerous to traffic must expect a surcharge on the fine.

The Frankfurt district court has imposed a corresponding increase on a forty-year-old driver of a BMW for a red light offense (03.06.2022, 974 OWi 533 Js-OWi 18474/22), it is said.

The driver was already on record for other traffic violations.

Now the new offense, with more than 1.1 seconds of red. Taking into account the previous offenses, the fine has been increased.

So far, so understandable.

But the court also increased the fine from EUR 200 to EUR 350 because of the potential risk from the type of vehicle.

An SUV has a higher risk of injury due to its greater ground clearance, higher front end and boxy design.

The argument is significant.

So can drivers of Minis or Polos hope for a discount?

Or that of a Porsche, less ground clearance, a lower front and less box is hardly possible?

How is it rated that such a lavish car gives its occupants more security?

The brainless drivers mentioned at the beginning unfortunately deliver penalties, but hopefully SUV bashing, which is also fed by fashion and resentment, will not have arrived in court.

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