Teller Report

Bondy is still recovering from the 2020 cyberattack

7/12/2022, 3:53:18 PM

The return to normal should cost 1.5 million euros The town hall of Bondy (Seine-Saint-Denis) had been the victim of a cyberattack on the night of November 9 to 10, 2020. A year and a half later, it still has to face many difficulties and hopes to regain normal functioning. by June 2023. "It's a new community of 1,600 agents starting from scratch", summed up the mayor LR Stephen Hervé at Le Parisien on Monday. Data that had not been backed up for

The town hall of Bondy (Seine-Saint-Denis) had been the victim of a cyberattack on the night of November 9 to 10, 2020. A year and a half later, it still has to face many difficulties and hopes to regain normal functioning. by June 2023. "It's a new community of 1,600 agents starting from scratch", summed up the mayor LR Stephen Hervé at Le


on Monday.

Data that had not been backed up for five years

The total cost of this revival has been estimated at 1.5 million euros.

The elected official notably deplored a one-year delay in billing.

The community lost everything in the attack.

Due to a pooling project with the territorial public establishment Est Ensemble, which ultimately did not see the light of day, it had in fact no longer made backups of its data for five years.

Bondy also worries about the fate of the hacked data, wondering if it was leaked or just encrypted.

On the day of the ransomware attack, IT departments discovered early in the morning that all of their servers had been encrypted.

The hackers demanded 1.3 million euros in bitcoins against the encryption keys, which the mayor had refused.


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  • Bondy

  • Ile-de-France

  • Paris

  • Cybercriminality

  • high tech