Teller Report

South Africa: Police investigate bar shootings

7/11/2022, 11:29:39 PM

Sunday evening, 15 people were killed while sitting in a tavern. Another killing had killed four people earlier in a tavern in Pietermaritzburg, in a province…

South Africa: Police investigate bar shootings

Soweto residents watch forensics inspect the crime scene after a July 10 shooting that killed 15 people.


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Sunday evening, 15 people were killed while sitting in a tavern.

Another killing had killed four people earlier in a tavern in Pietermaritzburg, in a different and apparently unrelated province.

Two people were arrested.

The South African police stake their reputation on solving these cases.


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With our correspondent in Johannesburg,

Romain Chanson

The mystery remains around the double killings that mourned South African bars on Sunday.

The police minister visited Soweto for the first time on Monday.

He encountered angry residents but was unable to provide them with more information.

In Soweto, the killing would involve five men equipped with pistols and AK-47s, a combat weapon.

A modus operandi that is more like gang wars.

The perpetrators of this killing took the time to reload their weapons.

More than 140 empty ammunition were found on the spot. 


 The intelligence services are at work [...] but there are technical details that we prefer to keep to ourselves

 ", explained the Commissioner of the province, Elias Mawela.

The facts have nothing to do with the riots of July 2021, underlined the Minister of Police.

They had 354 dead after 8 days of rioting.

In another case, the circumstances of the death of 21 young people at the end of June in the Eastern Cape are still not known.

Gathered in a tavern, the young people were found dead without apparent signs of violence, but the result remains mysterious.

The laboratories are in the process of toxicological analyses 

", revealed the Minister of Police, adding that this procedure can take more than a year.


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