Teller Report

Pons and Bolaños meet to negotiate the CGPJ but fail when the Government refuses to withdraw its reform to control the TC

7/11/2022, 6:46:56 PM

The Minister of the Presidency Félix Bolaños and the institutional deputy secretary of the PP Esteban González Pons met this afternoon in the Congress of Deputies to bring...

  • Politics The PP agrees to renew the CGPJ with the current system and renounces demanding that the judges choose the judges

  • Courts The CGPJ asks Congress to be heard before approving the reform to appoint the magistrates of the Constitutional

The Minister of the Presidency Félix Bolaños and the institutional deputy secretary of the PP Esteban González Pons have met this afternoon in the

Congress of Deputies

to approach positions on the renewal of the General Council of the Judiciary.



consulted report that Bolaños called Pons and the meeting took place in the minister's own office, although it ended without agreement "since the Government maintains its vocation to approve this Thursday the reform of the

Organic Law of the Judicial Power

that returns powers to the CGPJ partially".

González Pons has offered to address the party's proposals in the process of amending the law proposed by the Government, the minister's response being negative.

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  • Felix Bolanos

  • General Council of the Judiciary

  • constitutional Court

  • Esteban Gonzalez Pons

  • Congress of Deputies

  • PP