Teller Report

20 strangest places on earth.. get to know them

7/11/2022, 6:35:16 PM

There are still many mysterious places that are difficult to explain historically and scientifically. Besides being mysterious, these places look like they were taken from a scene in a science fiction movie.

Although we think we know every inch of our planet, there are still many mysterious places that are difficult to explain historically and scientifically, and these places may look strange and even frightening to some as if they were taken from a scene in a science fiction movie.

In this report, the Turkish "beyinsizler" website reviews the 20 strangest places on the planet, get to know them:

Nazca-Peru Lines

They are vague drawings and mysterious and strange shapes that can be seen from the air. They belong to an ancient civilization that lived in the Peruvian region millions of years ago. Many theories have been put forward to explain these inscriptions, from the visit of aliens to the forms of skin with a whip.

Red Beach - China

This beach is located in the Panjin region of China, and it is covered with a type of algae called "Sueda" that turns bright red in autumn.

Red Beach in Panjin, China (Shutterstock)

Whalebones-Siberian Road

This area is located about 150 kilometers from the coast of Alaska, and there are the remains of whale bones, including jaw bones and vertebrae, and the opinion of scientists in this area is that it is an ancient place of worship dating back to the 15th century AD.

Lake Hillier, Australia

A strange but beautiful lake located in Australia, it is said to have a high salt content and to have a salt-loving algae of a type called "Donaliella salina", and there are pink-colored stick sphagnum salts that give the lake its pink color throughout the year.

Bermuda Triangle - Atlantic Ocean

It is a strange and amazingly large triangle covering an area of ​​500 thousand square kilometers in the Atlantic Ocean.

According to reports that have been written about this place, it causes the planes and ships passing through it to disappear in an unusual and inexplicable manner.

Joplin Valley Park - America

This soft sandstone-like landscape is located in Utah, USA, and gives a semi-surreal (almost unreal) scenery, a few kilometers from the desert area, and is one of the most famous hiking places in Utah.

Giants Bridge - Ireland

This mysterious natural landscape is located in Northern Ireland, and is not man-made.

According to scientists, this view was formed about 60 million years ago due to the molten basalt left by a volcanic eruption, and the crossed lava left these surprising cracks in the rocks.

Sunset view over the Giants' Causeway in Northern Ireland (Shutterstock)

Hell's Gate - Turkmenistan

It is a crater located in Turkmenistan in the village of Derviz, known as the Burning Natural Gas Zone, and it has been burning nonstop since the Soviets burned it nearly 40 years ago.

Desert Hand - Chile

The sculptor Mario Irrarazaba built this amazing and strange statue in the middle of the Chilean desert, and he believes that this statue he carved embodies the feeling of loneliness and human suffering.

Desert Hand Statue built by sculptor Mario Irrarazaba in the middle of the Chilean desert (Shutterstock)

Belt of Silence - Mexico

One of the strangest places on Earth, near Bolson de Mapemi, in Durango, Mexico, it is believed that clocks and radios once stopped working in this area.

Tesla Towers - Russia

The Marks and Tesla High Voltage Electric Generators Research Facility is located in Russia and belongs to the Russian Electrical Engineering Institute and was established in Istra, 40 km from Moscow.

Nan Madol-Micronesia

A little-known ancient city, located on the coast of Micronesia (Micronesia is a sub-region of Oceania), the name Nan Madol means "there is a space between."

Mysterious stone monuments in Saudi Arabia called "gates" (communication sites)

Gates-Saudi Arabia

They are a collection of hundreds of stone walls identified by archaeologists in the deserts of Saudi Arabia through satellite imagery, and are called the Gates.

Vatnayokotel Ice Caves - Iceland

They are caves that fascinate people with their wonderful scenery, located in the Vatnayokotel glacier in southeastern Iceland, in which the stalagmites and stalactites that resemble teeth hanging from the ice acquire different colors in various lighting conditions, and the caves are linked to each other by many labyrinths.

These caves melt every year, to reappear in a different place, and every year many tourists come to visit these caves, which turn into a maze in the form of rooms intertwined with each other.

Blood Lake - Bolivia

Laguna Colorada is located in Bolivia, and is described as a "bloody lake". This shallow lake (35 centimeters) creates a real contrast with its red waters with the colors of the white borax islands, and its color is due to the sediments and the pigmentation of some algae.

Abraham Lake - Canada

Despite its stunning beauty, it's a dangerous man-made lake that you'll want to get away from. Filled with frozen bubbles inside pockets of highly flammable frozen methane, this lake is located north of the Saskatchewa River in western Alberta, Canada.

Ruins of the ancient Inca city in Peru (Shutterstock)

Inca road system of 40,000 km - Peru

The ancient Inca civilization was one of the most advanced ancient civilizations on Earth, and built a large road system stretching over 40,000 km, believed to be the longest ancient road of an ancient empire on the planet.

Inga stone - Brazil

It is a monument located in Brazil, containing a "star map" depicting many symbols besides the "constellation of Orion".

Bowling River-Amazon

It is said that the Bowling River in the Amazon is just a legend, but its existence has actually been proven, and a scientist named Andres Rosso discovered this legendary river in the Peruvian region of the Amazon rainforest, despite the claim of many of his colleagues that it is impossible to find this river, and the local name of this river is "Sanai tempishka" means "boiled by the heat of the sun";

Therefore, it is one of the rivers that you will not want to swim in.

1.7 million years old artificial bridge - India

Researchers have discovered a mysterious structure that could be a bridge located between Pampan Island, also known as Rameswaram Island, southeast of Tamil Nadu, India, and Mannar Island on the northwest coast of Sri Lanka. This structure is said to have been built by mankind 1.7 million years ago.