Teller Report

Major League Baseball Cubs Suzuki Pirates Tsutsugo 2 hits

7/10/2022, 6:52:58 AM

[NHK] Seiya Suzuki of the Cubs, a major league baseball player, made a full appearance against the Dodgers and hit two hits.

Seiya Suzuki of the Major League Baseball Cubs made a full appearance against the Dodgers and hit two hits.

Suzuki started on the 9th with No. 4 Wright in the match against the Dodgers in Los Angeles, the home of the opponent.

He made a hit in front of the center in the first at bat in the second inning, and in the second at bat in the fifth inning, he was the first batter and made an infield hit to the short, then went to third base and stepped on the first home with a sacrifice fly.

The 3rd at bat in the 7th inning was a short ground ball, and the 4th at bat in the 9th inning was a strikeout. rice field.

The Cubs were reversed in the 7th inning and lost 2-4.

Pirates Yoshitomo Tsutsugo also made two hits against the Brewers in his opponent's hometown of Milwaukee.

Tsutsugo started in the 5th first, and although he struck out in the first at bat in the second inning, he hit a two-base hit in the middle right in the second at bat in the fifth inning.

In the 7th inning at bat, which chased 3 points, he hit a light over hit with the lead batter, and the pirates got 4 points at a stroke from here and turned around.

In the 8th inning, the 4th at bat was a strikeout, and he retired in the 9th inning, with 2 hits in 4 at bats. rice field.

Pirates won 4 to 3.

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