Teller Report

We know this about the suspected murder attempt on the girl in Morö Backe

7/9/2022, 3:40:26 PM

A girl under the age of 15 is seriously injured at Norrland University Hospital in Umeå. She was found on July 7 in a forest area in Skellefteå. The crime is being investigated as a suspected attempted murder. This is what has happened in a nutshell:

• Just before 6 pm on Thursday 7 July, an alarm came that a person had been found seriously injured at Morö Backe in Skellefteå.

The girl was taken to Skellefteå Hospital to later be flown to Norrland University Hospital.

• The police cordoned off the place and technicians and dog handlers secured evidence during Thursday evening and night.

A preliminary investigation began with the criminal classification attempted murder.

• The principal at Morö Backe school confirmed that the girl was a student at the school and a letter was sent to the guardian.

• School staff and residents in the area are shocked after the incident.

• Morö Backe church was open to the public on Friday.

• The police say that a boy under the age of 15 could be suspected of the attempted murder and that an interrogation had been held with him.

The boy was then released.

• The police say on Saturday that further interrogations have been held with the boy where he has made certain concessions that strengthen the suspicions.

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A technician investigates the crime scene where the girl was assaulted Photo: SVT

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