Teller Report

The old-age fraud routines are more harmful to the big Shanghai political and legal organs to respond effectively

7/9/2022, 5:10:15 PM

The old-age fraud routines are more harmful to the big Shanghai political and legal organs to respond effectively   Work together to cut off the black hand reaching out to the elderly's money bag   □ Our reporter Yu Dongming   □ Zhang Haiyan, a trainee reporter of this newspaper   Pension investment, health care, low-cost tour groups... All kinds of consumption items aimed at the elderly ar

  The old-age fraud routines are more harmful to the big Shanghai political and legal organs to respond effectively

  Work together to cut off the black hand reaching out to the elderly's money bag

  □ Our reporter Yu Dongming

  □ Zhang Haiyan, a trainee reporter of this newspaper

  Pension investment, health care, low-cost tour groups... All kinds of consumption items aimed at the elderly are emerging in an endless stream, but behind them are a chain of fraud routines, which seriously infringe on the property rights and physical and mental health of the elderly.

  In order to cut off the black hands reaching out to the elderly, since this year, the Shanghai Municipal Political and Legal Committee has led the public security, procuratorial and judicial authorities to vigorously promote the national special campaign to crack down on pension fraud.

Recently, reporters from "Rules of Law Daily" conducted interviews with various political and legal units.

  Originally, the cervical and lumbar vertebrae were uncomfortable. Aunt Chen walked into a health massage shop called "Fuqiang Shijia Plaster Shop" and put on "Aristocratic Inheritance Plaster". Unexpectedly, symptoms such as swelling ankles and itchy skin appeared, and then the shop gave her Aunt Chen smeared another powder, which caused the skin to fester and seep on her body, and eventually died of multiple organ failure in the body.

  It was the ancestral plaster and the piroxicam powder that the store claimed to be "cure for all diseases" that led to this tragedy.

After testing, these plasters, which are claimed to be effective in relieving symptoms of cervical and lumbar spondylosis, actually contain toxic ingredients such as arsenic. When Aunt Chen and other patients came to treat them, the owner took out the old vinegar that was used for cooking at home to reconcile the medicinal powder, and added some warm water. , so that the medicinal mud has a warming effect on the body, and the patient will feel comfortable and think that the treatment is "quite effective".

And the subsequent use of piroxicam powder, if used excessively, especially on a large area of ​​​​the damaged skin surface, will cause the patient's life to be in danger.

  The prosecutors allege that the direct cause of death of the victim, Aunt Chen, was consistent with extensive skin lesions on the trunk and extremities, secondary infection, water and electrolyte disturbances, acute kidney injury, etc., which eventually led to multiple organ failure.

There is a direct causal relationship between the illegal medical practitioner Zhang Qiang and the drugs used by and for Aunt Chen, as well as other illegal medical practices and the death of Aunt Chen.

  After trial, the Shanghai Qingpu District People's Court held that the defendant Zhang Qiang's illegal practice of medicine caused the death of the patient, and his behavior constituted the crime of illegal practice of medicine and should be punished according to law.

In the end, the court convicted the defendant Zhang Qiang of illegally practicing medicine, sentenced him to 11 years in prison and a fine of 100,000 yuan.

  "Some criminals are swindling in the name of 'serving the elderly', 'caring for the elderly' and 'traditional medicine health care'. Aunt Chen fell into Zhang Qiang's 'warm and thoughtful' health care scam step by step, delaying the best treatment time and paying a lot of pain. The cost of life." The presiding judge reminded not to believe the excessive diligence of criminals, the so-called "concern" is nothing but a "big net" of deception woven by criminals.

  In addition to health care scams, there are even more criminals under the guise of investing in the "elderly care industry" to lure the elderly to "join", not only promising high returns, but also specially organizing the elderly to go to the "elderly care base" to sweat, enjoy plums, Picking... Although illegal fundraising scams are constantly changing their "vests", their purpose is ultimately to reach out to the "money bag" of the elderly.

  Detoxification through foot bath can treat diabetes, hypoglycemia, high blood pressure, heart disease, and even protect the liver.

In a commercial building in Putuo District, Shanghai, the free experience of a "hydrogen molecule" foot massage therapy device attracted many elderly people to participate.

  I saw the old man put his feet into the foot bath apparatus. After a while, bubbles appeared in the water and the water turned brown. This is the so-called "detoxification".

This "hydrogen molecule" foot massage therapy device, which is said to be able to cure all diseases, is still purchased by many elderly people even though the price is as high as tens of thousands of yuan.

  Not long ago, the Putuo Branch of the Shanghai Public Security Bureau, under the guidance of the Criminal Investigation Team of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, successfully dismantled this fraudulent gang that targeted the elderly and sold fake medical equipment.

After inspection, these so-called "hydrogen molecule" therapeutic instruments are actually just ordinary electrolytic instruments customized by the manufacturer. The instrument guides are put into the water without human participation. After a period of time, the water will also become turbid.

The cost of an electrolyzer is about 1,000 yuan, and the external selling price is 10 times the cost.

  It is understood that since the beginning of this year, the Criminal Investigation Team of the Shanghai Public Security Bureau has led various criminal investigation departments to set up a special working group for combating pension fraud, and has carried out in-depth special actions to combat pension fraud.

Since the operation, Shanghai public security organs have cracked 270 cases of pension fraud, destroyed 11 criminal gangs, arrested 234 criminal suspects, and recovered 374 million yuan in damages.

  "From the perspective of the type of cases, there are many frauds in the name of selling and investing in pension products. Frauds in the name of providing pension services, providing pension assistance, and agency pension insurance also occur from time to time." In response to such situations, the Shanghai police focused on key areas, key cases, and key personnel to carry out active investigations, strengthened sorting and analysis, carried out comprehensive inspections of clues to old-age fraud and crimes, paid attention to inspection feedback, and timely alerted and intervened in high-incidence cases.

  In Shanghai procuratorial organs, 13 grass-roots procuratorates have set up specialized case-handling teams for the elderly. Specialized case-handling teams or designated prosecutors professionally handle elderly-related crime cases, organically integrating the four major procuratorial functions of criminal, civil, administrative, and public interest litigation. Use the "four-in-one" work mode to strengthen multi-departmental cooperation and synergize judicial protection work.

  If the elderly victim suffers serious damage to the person or property due to the crime, and has difficulties in life, the procuratorial organ promptly initiates judicial relief procedures to actively help the victim solve practical difficulties.

  The reporter also noticed that the Shanghai Public Security Bureau, the Procuratorate, the Law Department, and the Department have all opened the special propaganda column "Combating and Preventing Pension Fraud" through official government affairs platforms such as "Two Wechat One End".

Micro-videos, sitcoms, cartoons and other forms of legal popularization that are popular among the elderly are moving from Shanghai political and legal institutions to thousands of households, becoming an anti-fraud treasure book that can be seen everywhere in Shencheng.

  In addition to online publicity and innovation, prosecutors and judges have gone to the grassroots level to carry out community anti-fraud publicity and anti-fraud legal consultation for the elderly, and implement the law into the community.

The public security and police combined with the anti-fraud centralized publicity month activities to enter the community, enter the park, enter the supermarket, and enter the house, improve the citizens' anti-fraud awareness and ability to recognize fraud, and create a strong atmosphere of participation and awareness of the whole people.

The judiciary joined hands with lawyers to enter the community, taught anti-fraud publicity classes for the cadres of the neighborhood committee, and effectively guarded the entrance to the community.