Teller Report

Rugby: Scotland take a resounding revenge against Argentina 29-6

7/9/2022, 9:40:25 PM

Scotland, beaten in the first of three test matches of its tour in Argentina, took a resounding revenge on the Pumas, dominated 29 to 6 (halftime: 8-6), Saturday in Salta.

This victory concludes in style the weekend of the teams of the northern hemisphere which all prevailed against nations of the southern hemisphere, contrary to the first day: France in Japan, Ireland in New Zealand, England in Australia and Wales in South Africa.

The Scots scored four tries through Hamish Watson (37th), Mark Bennett (42nd), Mike Fagerson (53rd) and Sam Johnson (64th).

The Argentines believed to score one, but it was rightly refused by the French referee Mathieu Raynal for a forward (48th).

The Pumas had won the first leg 26 to 18 on July 2 in San Salvador de Jujuy, for the first of their new coach, the Australian Michael Cheika.

Compared to the first match, Cheika had made four changes.

The injured third-line Pablo Matera was replaced by Rodrigo Bruni, and the hinge has also been modified due to injuries to Tomas Cubelli and Nicolas Sanchez, replaced by scrum-half Gonzalo Bertranou and fly-half Santiago Carreras.

Finally, at the back, the Toulousain Juan Cruz Mallia was replaced by Emiliano Boffelli, winger during the first test, which allowed the tenure of Racingman Juan Imhoff on the wing.

Scottish side, several changes also, Dave Cherry, Sam Skinner, Hamish Watson, Rory Darge and scrum half Ben White being established in place of George Turner, Jonny Gray, Luke Crosbie, Magnus Bradbury and Ali Price.

A third and final test between the two countries will be played on July 16 in Santiago del Estero.

The Argentina team were playing their second home game in almost three years after two seasons disrupted by the Covid.

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