Teller Report

Member of the Bundestag Chaya proposed to save on illumination of Berlin sights

7/9/2022, 8:10:49 PM

The leader of the parliamentary group of the Free Democratic Party of Germany, Sebastian Chaya, proposed turning off the nighttime lighting of a number of Berlin attractions to save electricity.

This is reported by the magazine Der Spiegel.

“Is the dome of the Reichstag supposed to glow all night?”

Chaya noted.

He stated the need to leave lighting only in those places where it is necessary for safety rules, for example, in pedestrian crossings.

Earlier, the head of the opposition German party CDU, Friedrich Merz, expressed concern that the shortage of fuel in Europe could provoke a "battle over the distribution of gas" among the EU countries.

German Vice-Chancellor, Economics and Climate Protection Minister Robert Habeck said that Germany could face rolling power outages to utilities due to gas shortages.