Teller Report

Analyst Silva spoke about false statements following the NATO summit in Madrid

7/9/2022, 5:46:34 PM

Rafael Silva, a journalist for the Spanish newspaper Rebelion, spoke about the false statements made by Western politicians following the results of the NATO summit in Madrid.

The first false statement Silva called the words about the defensive nature of the alliance.

“They would still say that NATO is a pacifist organization, so that it would certainly be false and senseless,” he explained.

He called accusations against Russia of expansionism and imperialist aspirations, as well as NATO's attitude towards Moscow as the main threat to the alliance, as other untrue statements.

“To say that Putin has expansionist aspirations is an absolute lie.

Since 1949, only NATO has expanded.

The organization surrounded Russia more and more, ”Silva said.

Earlier, Secretary of the Russian Security Council Nikolai Patrushev warned of an escalation of tension and destabilization of security in Europe due to the announcement of Moscow as an enemy of NATO.