Teller Report

Covid-19 in Japan: at least 750,000 doses of vaccines thrown in the trash

6/24/2022, 6:16:25 PM

Japan is experiencing a new hitch in the vaccination campaign while the country, since the start of the epidemic, has always been distinguished by its slowness and disorganization. Currently in Tokyo...

Covid-19 in Japan: at least 750,000 doses of vaccines thrown in the trash

For the third phase of the vaccination, the Japanese government got its supplies mainly from the firm Moderna (illustration image).

AP - Eugene Hoshiko

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2 mins

Japan is experiencing a new hitch in the vaccination campaign while the country, since the start of the epidemic, has always been distinguished by its slowness and disorganization.

Right now in Tokyo and elsewhere, hundreds of thousands of vaccine doses, some estimate even a million, are being tossed in the trash, as they have not found takers and have reached their expiration date.


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With our correspondent in Tokyo


Bruno Duval

For the third phase of the vaccination, the government got its supplies mainly from the firm Moderna.

For this person in charge of a vaccinodrome, it was the mistake not to make: “ 

In Japan, the Moderna vaccine caused many more side effects than that of Pfizer.

And in sealed vials of Moderna, plastic, rubber and even hair or hair have been discovered.

So, of course, people are suspicious.

In addition, the Omicron variant being relatively harmless, many considered this third dose of vaccine superfluous.


At least 750,000 vials were thrown in the trash.

And for these two Tokyoites who skipped the booster dose, they regret such waste, without feeling guilty: “ 

We just have to develop vaccines that are better tolerated by human beings

: me, after each of my two vaccinations, I had a fever of 39

 ”, explains the first.

And the second to specify: “ 

In my soul and conscience, I have decided not to have my children vaccinated.

Wearing a mask at all times and scrupulously respecting social distances seems to me enough to protect them.

It's my choice as a mother, and we don't have to question it.


40% of Japanese people have only been

vaccinated twice

and only 20% of children under 12 have received a first dose.

For the experts, therefore, if new variants more dangerous than Omicron appear this winter, it will be a health disaster in the country.

To read: Covid-19 in Japan: two years later, Tokyo reopens its borders to foreign tourists


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