Teller Report

[Caught] A boy who received 700 million won "whole body burns after being bullied"... Shock reversal in CCTV

6/24/2022, 11:05:04 PM

While a 6-year-old boy who was bullied by his neighborhood brothers received full body burns and shocked American public opinion, a new truth was revealed when CCTV at the scene of the incident was revealed.

 While a 6-year-old boy who was bullied by his neighborhood brothers received full body burns and shocked American public opinion, a new truth was revealed when CCTV at the scene of the incident was revealed.

On the 21st of local time, the New York Post and Fox News reported that the bullying case in Connecticut, USA, is proceeding differently from the victim's claim.

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Earlier, on April 24, Dominick Krankall (6 years old) suffered 2nd and 3rd degree burns to his face and body while playing in the backyard of his house with his older brothers.

At the time, Dominic's mother claimed that "the 8- and 11-year-old children set fire to gasoline-soaked balls and threw them in Dominic's face. My son had been bullied by them for over a year." My brothers set fire to me," he shouted and ran away.

Dominic's victimization received a lot of attention, and public opinion criticizing the students and their parents who were identified as the perpetrators was very strong.

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In addition, Dominic's side received about $590,000 (about 767 million Korean Won) through a fundraising site.

Even while Dominic was recovering from the hospital, an event to cheer for him was held, and after he was discharged, he was invited to a game with the New York Yankees and received a lot of support.

However, two months after the incident, the public opinion was shocked when the CCTV installed in the backyard of Dominic's house was released.

In a video released, Dominic and his children spread gasoline on a soccer ball and then set it on fire, while Dominic wiped the gasoline off his hands on his pants, instantly setting his clothes and face on fire.

One child was startled to see his body caught on fire and backtracked, while the other continued to try to put out the fire, rubbing Dominic's head and face with his bare hands.

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Police also said about the video, "We have not found any evidence or circumstances that Dominic was being harassed or that children deliberately set fire to it."

The boy's parents, who were identified as the perpetrators, felt unfair about the criticism they had received, and said, "While my child was wandering in hell, Dominic was invited to a baseball field and bought a house."

"This is not fair. Dominic's mother should be caught by the police for false testimony," she said.

Meanwhile, the Dominic family are still alleging the bullying of their son, saying, "We made a claim based on what he said. The important moments of his son being bullied were not captured on CCTV."

Netizens who watched the incident responded, "It wasn't bullying, it was just a terrible accident", "Spit out the donations", "You know I didn't bully you, but children playing with gasoline and lighters", etc.

(Photo = YouTube 'WFSB 3' ยท 'News 12', gofundme)

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