Teller Report

Yen exchange rate drops to the low 135 yen level per dollar

6/21/2022, 10:03:33 AM

[NHK] In the Tokyo foreign exchange market and the yen exchange rate on the 21st, the difference in the direction of monetary policy between the United States and Japan continues to be conscious, and the dollar is up to the low 135 yen level ...

On the 21st, the yen exchange rate in the Tokyo foreign exchange market fell to the low 135 yen level per dollar due to continued awareness of the difference in the direction of monetary policy between the United States and Japan.

The yen exchange rate as of 5 pm was 135.22 to 23 yen, which is 57 yen weaker and the dollar stronger than the 20th.

With respect to the euro, the yen depreciated by 1.11 yen compared to the 20th, and the euro was 1 euro = 142.74-78 yen.

The euro was 1 euro = 1.0556-58 dollars against the dollar.

The interest rate gap has widened between the United States, which is rushing to raise interest rates to curb inflation, and Japan, which continues to ease monetary policy, and the dollar buying and yen selling movements continue in the foreign exchange market.

Market officials said, "This week, there are a lot of opportunities for senior Fed officials to speak, but there is a lot of interest in what they say about the pace of future rate hikes." increase.

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