Teller Report

Deputy head of the State Administration of Kherson region: Russian entrepreneurs enter the region

6/18/2022, 10:08:09 PM

The deputy head of the military-civilian administration of the Kherson region, Vladimir Saldo, said that shops of Russian and Donetsk entrepreneurs are appearing in the region.

It is reported by RIA Novosti with reference to an interview with Saldo "Soloviev LIVE".

“Russian entrepreneurs are coming.

They are not afraid of sanctions pressure, sanctions risks.

Stores open.

Come Crimean and Donetsk entrepreneurs.

Open the first supermarkets and saturate them with goods.

The markets are all working, ”the agency quotes the deputy head of the CAA.

Earlier, Volodymyr Saldo announced that diesel locomotives transferred by Russia began to arrive in the Kherson region, which they intend to use to resume railway communication with Crimea.

He also stressed the technical readiness of the region for railway communication with the peninsula.

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