Teller Report

Nebenzya: civilians of Severodonetsk can evacuate in any direction

6/15/2022, 3:55:19 PM

Russian Permanent Representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzya said that civilians in Severodonetsk can evacuate in any direction.

He noted that Russia opens humanitarian corridors to leave the city, but the Ukrainian side does not allow anyone to leave through them.

“People are free to decide in which direction to evacuate, we have been saying this since day one.

They can go west or east as they see fit,” Nebenzya said during a briefing on the sidelines of the UN.

The diplomat said that one elderly man spoke about the terrible conditions in which the Ukrainian side holds citizens. 

“They have no water, no food, they are in a desperate situation,” he said.

Earlier, the deputy head of the People's Militia Department of the Donetsk People's Republic, Eduard Basurin, said that the grouping of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the area of ​​Severodonetsk and Lysychansk would be blocked in the near future.