Teller Report

The Pentagon: We do not aim to change the regime in Russia

6/14/2022, 7:42:48 PM

The Pentagon announced that the United States does not aim at "regime change" in Russia, but rather to damage it because of its military operation in Ukraine.

The Pentagon: We do not aim to change the regime in Russia

The Pentagon announced that the United States does not aim at "regime change" in Russia, but rather to inflict damage on it due to its military operation in Ukraine.

"Our goal is not regime change in Russia. The goal above all is to ensure Ukraine the capabilities to defend itself," US Deputy Defense Secretary Colin Cale said during a conference devoted to US national security, today, Tuesday.

He stressed that the United States is seeking to harm Russia, noting that "the sanctions we have imposed against Russia will lead, according to conservative estimates, to a contraction of the Russian economy by 10% this year."

"This will set Prussia back 15 years in terms of economic growth, and the sanctions are only starting to have an effect," he added.

He stressed that these measures "became possible because of the American hegemony over the global financial system."

It is noteworthy that the United States imposed sanctions against Russia against the backdrop of its military operation in Ukraine, which has been going on since February 24.

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