Teller Report

Ministry of Construction of Russia: in the course of the restoration of the DPR and LPR, prefabricated structures are used

6/14/2022, 11:00:31 PM

The Ministry of Construction of Russia announced that during the restoration of the territories of the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics destroyed as a result of hostilities, prefabricated modular structures will be used, among other things.

 It is reported by TASS.

“Depending on the specific tasks, various technologies will be used, including traditional construction methods, for example, panel or monolithic housing construction.

Taking into account the need to create housing in the shortest possible time, a number of works will be carried out, including with the use of prefabricated structures, ”the agency reports a comment from a representative of the department.

It is clarified that, first of all, contractors will be engaged in the restoration of socially significant facilities, housing and infrastructure.

In addition, one of the most important tasks is preparation for the heating season.

Earlier, the Ministry of Construction of Russia reported that in the near future it is planned to begin the restoration of the victims of the fighting in Mariupol and Volnovakha.