Teller Report

2 trials against former city council for stimulant smuggling in China on 20th of this month

6/14/2022, 8:06:41 PM

[NHK] A second trial against a former city council member in Inazawa City, Aichi Prefecture, who was sentenced to life imprisonment in the first trial three years ago on charges of trying to smuggle stimulants in China ...

It has been decided that a second trial will be held on the 20th of this month against a former city council member in Inazawa City, Aichi Prefecture, who was sentenced to life imprisonment in the first trial three years ago on charges of trying to smuggle stimulants in China. I did.

Takuma Sakuragi, a 78-year-old former city council member in Inazawa City, Aichi Prefecture, was accused of smuggling more than 3 kilograms of stimulants at an airport in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, southern China in 2013.

The first trial sentenced him to life imprisonment three years, more than five years before the hearing began.

On the other hand, the defendant consistently insisted that he was not guilty, saying, "I didn't know that it contained stimulants," and appealed the judgment.

A lawyer said yesterday that the two-trial trial was decided to be held at the High Court of the Guangdong Provincial Higher People's Court on the 20th of this month.

The two trials were initially expected to be held within four months of the appeal, but it is expected that the trial will finally begin in two years and seven months.