Teller Report

'President presided over control tower' to create regulatory innovation strategy meeting

6/14/2022, 11:06:44 PM

The government has begun to actively engage in regulatory innovation. He announced that he would establish a new regulatory innovation strategy meeting presided over by the president and will serve as a control tower for regulatory innovation.

<Anchor> The

government has begun to actively engage in regulatory innovation.

He announced that he would establish a new regulatory innovation strategy meeting presided over by the president and will serve as a control tower for regulatory innovation.

Correspondent Kim A-young.


Prime Minister Han Deok-soo gave a briefing in person to announce the government's direction for regulatory innovation.

Prime Minister Han announced that he would establish a new regulatory innovation strategy meeting as the government's highest decision-making body for regulatory innovation.

It is a new public-private joint council with the president as the chairman and the vice chairman as the prime minister.

[Han Deok-soo / Prime Minister: (President Yoon Seok-yeol) expressed his very strong will to me yesterday (13th) as well.

Let's make a decision on this issue once in the next five years...

(Because you said that…)]

In order to reflect the regulatory difficulties raised by companies and the public, we are also introducing a 'regulatory adjudication system'.

The explanation is that it will prepare recommendations through a 'regulatory judge' made up of private experts, rather than the way each ministry decides whether to accept the opinion.

A three-year review period has been set for all regulations related to economic activity and jobs.

When the review deadline comes, it will abolish and improve unreasonable regulations through regulatory impact analysis.

He also emphasized the will to break the so-called lump regulation, which is difficult for individual ministries to respond.

To this end, he announced that he would prepare an effective improvement plan by forming a regulatory innovation promotion team composed of retired public officials and economic groups.